A.   There is established a trunk line improvement charge (TLIC), to provide the village with funds for the future expansion or improvement of sanitary sewer facilities and the Main Street trunk line or the Poplar Avenue/Cunningham Lane interceptor sewer.
   B.   The TLIC shall apply to sanitary sewer connections from areas annexed to the village or presently within the village limits which are not served with sanitary sewage facilities as of April 2, 1979, which areas are tributary to the Main Street trunk line or the proposed Poplar Avenue/Cunningham Lane interceptor sewer. The TLIC will not include any area within the village presently served by sanitary sewer facilities.
   C.   The TLIC shall be payable at the time a building permit is requested in regard to any area which is tributary to the Main Street trunk line and the proposed Poplar Avenue/Cunningham Lane interceptor sewer.
   D.   The final determination as to whether an area is tributary to the Main Street trunk line and/or the proposed Poplar Avenue/Cunningham Lane interceptor sewer shall be made by the village engineer, and the opinion of the village engineer shall be binding on all applicants for building permits.
   E.   The TLIC shall be calculated on the "population equivalent" (PE), as defined in section 8-2-1-7 of this title, and charged as follows:
      1.   Seventy two dollars ($72.00) per PE connected in regard to any property tributary to the Main Street sanitary sewer. For the purposes of this section, any property tributary to the Main Street sanitary sewer shall be considered as also being tributary to the proposed Poplar Avenue/Cunningham Lane interceptor sewer.
      2.   Ten dollars ($10.00) per PE connected in regard to any property tributary only to the proposed Poplar Avenue/Cunningham Lane interceptor sewer.
      3.   The charges set forth herein shall be increased at an annual rate determined by the cost of living index as prepared by the federal government from April 2, 1980, to the present date.
   F.   All fees collected pursuant hereto shall be kept in a separate TLIC account by the village treasurer and expended as hereinafter provided.
   G.   At such time that the mayor and village board of trustees shall determine that improvements are required to the Main Street trunk line or that the Poplar Avenue/Cunningham Lane interceptor sewer shall be installed, those funds, or any portion thereof, as determined by the village board of trustees, collected pursuant hereto, shall be used for said improvements. (1976 Code § 52.012)