   A.   Clear View Required: In premises upon which the sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption upon the premises is licensed (other than as a restaurant, hotel or club), no screen, blind, curtain, partition, article or thing shall be permitted in the windows or upon the doors of such licensed premises nor inside such premises, which shall prevent a clear view into the interior of such licensed premises from the street, road or sidewalk at all times, and no booth, screen, partition, or other obstruction nor any arrangement of lights or lighting shall be permitted in or about the interior of such premises which shall prevent a full view of the entire interior of such premises from the street, road or sidewalk, and said premises must be so located that there shall be a full view of the entire interior of such premises from the street, road or sidewalk.
   B.   Lighting: All rooms where liquor is sold for consumption upon the premises shall be continuously lighted during business hours by natural light or artificial white light so that all parts of the interior of the premises shall be clearly visible.
   C.   Violation: In case the view into any such licensed premises required by the foregoing provisions, shall be wilfully obscured by the licensee or by him wilfully suffered to be obscured or in any manner obstructed, then such license shall be subject to revocation in the manner herein provided.
   D.   Plans; Drawings; Photographs: In order to enforce the provisions of this Section, the Village President shall have the right to require the filing with him of plans, drawings and photographs showing the clearance of the view as above required. (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979)
All premises used for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor, or for the storage of such liquor for such sale, shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall be kept in full compliance with the ordinances regulating the condition of premises used for the storage or sale of food for human consumption. (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979)
3-2-15: EMPLOYEES:
   A.   Diseased Person: It shall be unlawful to employ in any premises used for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor any person who is afflicted with, or who is a carrier of, any contagious, infectious or venereal disease; and it shall be unlawful for any person who is afflicted with or a carrier of any such disease to work in or about any premises or to engage in any way in the handling, preparation or distribution of such liquor. (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979)
   B.   Minors:
      1.   It shall be unlawful for any licensee, or any officer, associate, member, representative, agent or employee of such licensee, to engage, employ or permit any person under the age of twenty one (21) years to attend bar and/or to draw, pour or mix any alcoholic liquor in any licensed premises; provided that the provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to prevent the employment of persons who are at least eighteen (18) years of age as waiters or waitresses in restaurants, hotels or motels for the purpose of serving food and alcoholic liquor on the licensed premises. This provision shall apply only during the hours the establishment is serving food. (1998 Code; amd. Ord. 387, 11-13-2018, eff. 11-13-2018)
      2.   It shall be unlawful for any licensee, or any officer, associate, member, representative, agent or employee of such licensee, to engage, employ or permit any person under twenty one (21) years of age to sell any alcoholic liquor in any licensed premises. (1998 Code)
It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale at retail any alcoholic liquor in the Village except as follows: Sunday from seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. On all other days from seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to one o'clock (1:00) A.M. the following day, except that on New Year's Eve the hours shall be from seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. until three o'clock (3:00) A.M. New Year's Day. (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979)
It shall be unlawful to keep open for any purpose whatsoever any premises in or on which alcoholic liquor is sold at retail during the hours within which the sale of said liquor is prohibited; except in the case of hotels, bowling alleys and clubs which establishments may be kept open during such hours but no alcoholic liquor may be sold to or consumed by the members or public during such hours. (Ord. 293, 7-10-2007)
3-2-17: MINORS:
No minor shall be present in any establishment where alcoholic liquor is sold unless in the company of his parent or his legal guardian. However, if such establishment has a barroom which is separate from a room or rooms in said establishment where food is served, minors unattended by a parent or legal guardian may remain in the food serving room or rooms. (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979)
3-2-18: PEDDLING:
It shall be unlawful to peddle alcoholic liquor in the Village. (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979)
   A.   Suspension Or Revocation Of License: The Local Liquor Control Commissioner may, in accordance with the Liquor Control Act 1 , revoke or suspend any license issued under the provisions of this chapter if he determines that the licensee has violated any of the provisions of the Liquor Control Act, this chapter or any other ordinance or resolution enacted by the Corporate Authorities of the Village, or any applicable rules or regulations established by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner or the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, or any State and/or Federal Statute which is not inconsistent with this chapter.
   B.   Fine In Lieu Of Suspension Or Revocation: In lieu of suspension or revocation of a local license, the Local Liquor Control Commissioner may instead levy a fine on the licensee. The fine imposed shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each violation. Each day on which a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation. Not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) in fines may be imposed against any licensee during any license year.
   C.   Immediate Closure Of Business: If the Local Liquor Control Commissioner has reason to believe that any continued operation of a particular licensed premises will immediately threaten the welfare of the community, he may, upon the issuance of a written order stating the reasons or such conclusion and without notice or hearing, order the licensed premises closed for not more than seven (7) days, giving the licensee an opportunity to be heard during that period; except, that if the licensee is also engaged in another business on the licensed premises, such order shall not be applicable to such other business.
   D.   Public Hearing: No such license shall be so revoked or suspended and no licensee shall be fined except after a public hearing by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner with a three (3) day written notice to the licensee affording the licensee an opportunity to appear and defend the charges contained in such notice. The three (3) day notice provisions shall begin the day following delivery by certified or registered mail or by personal service.
   E.   Decisions: The Local Liquor Control Commissioner shall, within five (5) days after such hearing, if he determines after such hearing that the license should be revoked or suspended or that the licensee should be fined, state the reason for such determination in a written order and either the amount of the fine, the period of suspension or that the license has been revoked and serve a copy of such order within the five (5) days upon the licensee.
Review of the decisions of the local liquor control commissioner shall be as provided for in 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/7-14 for home rule municipalities and shall be limited to a review of the official record of the local liquor control commissioner.
   F.   Costs:
      1.   Costs Of Hearing: Any licensee determined by the local liquor control commissioner to have violated any of the provisions of the liquor control act, or any ordinance or resolution of the village, or any rule or regulation established by the local liquor control commissioner, or the Illinois liquor control commission, shall pay to the village the costs of the hearing before the local liquor control commissioner on such violation. The local liquor control commissioner shall determine the costs incurred by the village for said hearing, including, but not limited to: court reporter fees, the costs of transcripts or records, attorney fees, the cost of preparing and mailing notices and orders and all other miscellaneous expenses incurred by the village or such lesser sum as the local liquor control commissioner may allow.
      2.   Payment: The licensee shall pay said costs to the village within thirty (30) days of notification of the costs by the local liquor control commissioner. Failure to pay said costs within thirty (30) days of notification is a violation of this section and may be cause for license suspension or revocation, or the levy of a fine.
      3.   Appeal: In the event of an appeal to the Illinois liquor control commission, and in cases where the appeal is taken pursuant to the administrative review act 2 , payment is due forty (40) days after the entry of an order finally affirming the determination of the local liquor control commissioner.
   G.   Effect Of License Revocation: When any license shall have been revoked for any cause, no license shall be granted to said licensee for the period of one year thereafter for the conduct of the business of selling alcoholic liquor at retail in the premises described in such revoked license. (1998 Code)



1. 235 ILCS.
1. 735 ILCS 5/3-1-1 et seq.