Applications for such licenses shall be made to the Village President in writing, signed by the applicant, if an individual, or by a duly authorized agent thereof, if a club or corporation, verified by oath or affidavit, and shall contain the following information and statements:
A. The name, age, and address of the applicant in the case of an individual; in the case of a copartnership, the persons entitled to share in the profits thereof; and in the case of a corporation for profit or a club, the date of incorporation, the objects for which it was organized, the names and addresses of the officers and directors, and if a majority in interest of the stock of such corporation is owned by one person or his nominees, the name and address of such person;
B. The citizenship of the applicant, his place of birth and if a naturalized citizen, the time and place of his naturalization;
C. The character of business of the applicant; and in case of a corporation, the objects for which it was formed;
D. The length of time that said applicant has been in business of that character, or in the case of a corporation, the date on which its charter was issued;
E. The amount of goods, wares and merchandise on hand at the time application is made;
F. The location and description of the premises or place of business which is to be operated under such license;
G. A statement whether applicant has made similar application for another similar license on premises other than described in this application, and the disposition of such application;
H. A statement that applicant has never been convicted of a felony and is not disqualified to receive a license by reason of any matter or thing contained in this Chapter, laws of this State, or the ordinances of this Village; if the applicant has been convicted of a felony under any Federal or State law, he shall give full details as to place, date, nature of the offense and sentence.
I. A statement that applicant has never been convicted of being the keeper or is keeping a house of ill fame and a statement that the applicant has not been convicted of pandering or other crime or misdemeanor opposed to decency and morality.
J. Whether a previous license by any state or subdivision thereof, or by the Federal government has been revoked, and the reasons therefor.
K. A statement that the applicant will not violate any of the laws of the State, or of the United States, or any ordinance of the Village in the conduct of his place of business. (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979)
No such license shall be issued to: (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979; amd. 1998 Code)
A. A person who is not of good character and reputation in the community in which he resides;
B. A person who is not a citizen of the United States;
C. A person who has been convicted of a felony under any Federal or State law, if the Illinois Liquor Control Commission determines, after investigation, that such person has not been sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant the public trust;
D. A person who has been convicted of being the keeper or is keeping a house of ill fame;
E. A person who has been convicted of pandering or other crime or misdemeanor opposed to decency and morality;
G. A person who at the time of application for renewal of any license issued hereunder would not be eligible for such license upon a first application;
H. A copartnership, unless all of the members of such copartnership shall be qualified to obtain a license;
I. A corporation, if any officer, manager or director thereof, or any stockholder or stockholders owning in the aggregate more than five percent (5%) of the stock of such corporation, would not be eligible to receive a license hereunder for any reason other than citizenship within the Village;
J. A corporation unless it is incorporated in Illinois, or unless it is a foreign corporation which is qualified under the Illinois Business Corporation Act 2 to transact business in Illinois;
K. A person whose place of business is conducted by a manager or agent unless the manager or agent possesses the same qualifications required by the licensee;
L. A person who has been convicted of a violation of any Federal or State law concerning the manufacture, possession or sale of alcoholic liquor, subsequent to the passage of the Liquor Control Act of 1934 or has forfeited his bond to appear in court to answer charges for any such violation;
M. A person who does not beneficially own the premises for which a license is sought, or does not have a lease thereon for the full period for which the license is to be issued;
N. Any law enforcing public official, including members of the Local Liquor Control Commission, the President of the Village Board of Trustees, any member of a Village Board of Trustees, or any president or member of the County Board; and no such official shall be interested in any way, either directly or indirectly, in the manufacture, sale or distribution of alcoholic liquor, except that a license may be granted to such official in relation to premises which are not located within the territory subject to the jurisdiction of that official if the issuance of such license is approved by the State Liquor Control Commission;
O. Any person who is not a beneficial owner of the business to be operated by the licensee;
P. A person who has been convicted of a gambling offense as prescribed by any of subsections (a)(3) through (a)(10) of section 28-1 of, or as proscribed by section 28-3 of, the Criminal Code of 1961 3 , approved July 28, 1961, as heretofore or hereafter amended, or as proscribed by a statute replaced by any of the aforesaid statutory provisions;
1 | 1. 235 ILCS 5. |
2 | 2. 805 ILCS 5/1.01 et seq. |
3 | 1. 720 ILCS 5/28-1, 5/28-1.1, or 5/28-3. |
4 | 2. 230 ILCS 15/0.01 et seq. |
5 | 3. 230 ILCS 20/1 et seq. |
The number and classification of such license shall be:
A. Class A License:
1. Sales Authorized: Class A license shall authorize the retail sale on the premises specified of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises as well as other sales of such retail liquor.
2. Fee: The annual fee for such license shall be eight hundred dollars ($800.00).
3. Number Of Licenses: The number of such licenses to be issued, and to be in effect at any one time shall not exceed seven (7).
B. Class B License:
1. Sales Authorized: Class B licenses shall authorize the retail sale in clubs on the premises specified of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises as well as other retail sales of such liquor.
2. Fee: The annual fee for such license shall be eight hundred dollars ($800.00). (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979; amd. 1998 Code)
All such fees shall be paid to the Village President at the time application is made, and shall be forthwith turned over to the Village Treasurer. In the event the license applied for is denied, the fee shall be returned to the applicant; if the license is granted, then the fee shall be deposited in the General Corporate Fund or in such other fund as shall have been designated by the Board of Trustees, by proper action. (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979)
The Village President shall keep or cause to be kept a complete record of all such licenses issued by him; and shall furnish the Village Clerk, Village Treasurer, and Chief of Police each with a copy thereof; upon the issuance of any new license, or the revocation of any old license, the Village President shall give written notice of such action to each of these officers within forty eight (48) hours of such action. (Ord. 152, 4-12-1979)