Each licensed emergency medical vehicle operator and nonemergency medical vehicle operator shall at all times when on duty carry his or her license and driver's license; and shall upon demand by an authorized inspector, or a police officer, patient or passenger exhibit the same for inspection.
Any licensed emergency medical vehicle operator or any licensed nonemergency medical vehicle operator who defaces, removes or obliterates any official entry made upon his or her license, or driver's license shall be subject to suspension or revocation of his or her license after notice and hearing.
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84.)
A licensed medical vehicle service, or a business licensed to transport sick and disabled persons in nonemergency medical vehicles, shall file with the Director a schedule of the current base rates and hours of availability of such licensee and shall file any change in the schedule prior to putting such change into effect. Such schedule shall be available for public inspection in the office of the Director during working hours; and the Board of Health may promulgate regulations requiring such licensees to distribute such schedule at such time and under such conditions as the Board may deem necessary.
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84.)
The Department shall test, or cause to be tested the ability of applicants for licensing as emergency medical vehicle operators or as nonemergency medical vehicle operators to operate surface emergency and/or nonemergency medical vehicles, and to observe safe and proper driving techniques.
(a) The Department may annually test or cause to be tested, the ability of licensed emergency medical vehicle operators and nonemergency medical vehicle operators to operate surface emergency and/or nonemergency medical vehicles as applicable and to observe safe and proper driving.
(b) The Department shall inspect and certify, or cause to be inspected and certified, surface and airborne emergency and nonemergency medical vehicles for installation and proper operation of safety equipment and emergency warning equipment required by law or by regulations pursuant to this chapter.
(c) The Department shall inspect and certify or cause to be inspected and certified, surface and airborne emergency and nonemergency medical vehicles for availability, adequacy and operability of such vehicles and of the related medical and safety equipment in accordance with standards set by the Commissioner.
(d) Upon completion of the aforementioned requirements, the results of such tests and inspections and such certifications, together with recommendations of the Commissioner, shall be forwarded to the Director by the Commissioner.
(e) The Department is hereby authorized and empowered to require retesting, reinspection or recertification at any time in connection with the requirements set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84.)
In addition to the duties required by the provisions of this chapter, the general provisions of the Codified Ordinances and by the laws of the State, the Director shall do other things in connection with licensing hereunder and with revocation or suspension of such licensing, after receiving from the Commissioner recommendations or other data specified herein.
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84.)
By means of the tests and inspections required herein, the Commissioner shall determine whether applicants for licenses or for renewal of licenses issued hereunder, and emergency and nonemergency medical vehicles operated by licensees hereunder, meet all conditions required by the provisions of this chapter, by the standards, rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto and by all laws and ordinances relating to health, safety and sanitation; and shall certify such qualifications of applicants and licensees, such compliance of vehicles and such information relating to licenses hereunder, or shall make such recommendations as he deems appropriate from the standpoint of health and sanitation for the conduct of a medical vehicle service or business engaged in transporting sick and disabled persons in nonemergency vehicles; and shall forward the results of such tests and inspections, such certifications, such recommendations and such information to the Director. In addition, the Commissioner shall make recommendations to the Director relating to compliance with or violation of standards, rules and regulations as provided herein. It shall also be the duty of the Commissioner to enforce all standards, rules and regulations promulgated pursuant hereto.
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84.)