No person shall:
(a) Operate a medical vehicle service or operate any business engaged in transporting sick or disabled persons in nonemergeney medical vehicles, anywhere within the City without first obtaining a license from the Director as hereinafter provided.
(b) Operate an emergency medical vehicle unless such vehicle is staffed by at least two individuals who are EMT-As, ADV EMT-As or paramedics. When an emergency medical vehicle is so staffed, it may be operated by a person who is not certified as an EMT-A, ADV EMT-A, or paramedic.
(c) Operate a surface emergency or nonemergeney medical vehicle, or act otherwise in the capacity of an EMT-A, ADV EMT-A, paramedic or medical vehicle operator, anywhere within the City without first obtaining a license from the Director as hereinafter provided.
(d) Render emergency medical services in connection with an emergency or nonemergency medical service or vehicle unless the person is an EMT-A, ADV EMTA or paramedic; licensed in the State of Ohio, and rendering emergency medical services under the personal and responsible direction and supervision of a person licensed under the laws of the State to practice medicine; or licensed by the State to render the services being performed; or is a resident or intern in a hospital educational program approved by the State.
(e) Permit the operation of an emergency medical vehicle or a nonemergency medical vehicle except by a person licensed to do so in accordance with this chapter; or permit a person not authorized hereunder to render emergency medical services in connection with any emergency medical vehicle.
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84.)
(a) Medical Vehicle Service. The Director shall issue a license hereunder for a medical vehicle service when he finds that:
(1) The applicant has reached the age of eighteen years or is a corporation duly incorporated or licensed to do business in the State of Ohio.
(2) The EMT-As, ADV EMT-As, paramedics and the emergency and nonemergency medical vehicle operators employed by the applicant are licensed and assigned in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(3) All emergency and nonemergency medical vehicles operated by the applicant have been certified by the Department as to adequacy of equipment and safety of operation.
(4) All emergency medical vehicles operated by the applicant have been designated as authorized emergency vehicles by the Ohio Registrar of Motor Vehicles.
(5) All requirements of this chapter and all standards, rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, and all other governing laws and ordinances have been met by the applicant.
(b) Emergency and Nonemergency Medical Vehicle Operators. The Director shall issue a license hereunder for an emergency medical vehicle operator and a nonemergency vehicle operator when he finds that:
(1) The applicant has reached the age of eighteen years.
(2) The applicant has produced a valid statement from a licensed physician reciting that the applicant has been examined by such physician within sixty days preceding the date of application and has been found to be free of any physical or mental defects that would affect the ability of the applicant to perform satisfactorily the functions set forth hereunder, and under the rules and regulations pursuant hereto.
(3) The applicant possesses a valid and current chauffeur's license issued by the State of Ohio or is certified as a pilot by the Federal Aviation Administration, when the applicant will be employed to operate an emergency and/or nonemergency medical vehicle.
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84. )
Applicants for licenses under this chapter shall file applications with the Director on forms to be provided for that purpose which shall contain the following information pertaining to the various licenses hereunder respectively:
(a) For a medical vehicle service, or other person engaged in the business of transporting sick or disabled persons in a nonemergency medical vehicle or vehicles, a description of each such vehicle, including the make, model, year of manufacture, State license number for the current year, motor and chassis numbers, and the length of time such vehicle has been in use.
(b) For an emergency medical vehicle operator or a nonemergency medical vehicle operator, the date of birth, age, height, weight, color of eyes and hair of the applicant; whether the applicant has previously been licensed as a flyer or driver, nonemergency medical vehicle operator or emergency medical vehicle operator and if so, when, where and the nature of such license or licenses; whether any such license or licenses have or have ever been suspended or revoked and for what cause; and a photograph or photographs of the applicant, as required by the Director.
(c) For any license applied for hereunder, such other information as the Director, together with the Commissioner, finds reasonably necessary to make a fair determination as to whether the applicant is in full compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84.)
An application hereunder shall be accompanied by an application fee, in one of the amounts set forth as follows for a license hereunder, provided, that no application fee shall be required for renewal of an existing license:
(a) For a medical vehicle service, or other persons engaged in the business of transporting sick or disabled persons in a nonemergency medical vehicle or vehicles: fifty dollars ($50.00).
(b) For an emergency and/or nonemergency medical vehicle operator: ten dollars ($10.00).
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84.)
The following fees shall be collected by the Director before the issuance or renewal of a license under this chapter.
(a) For each person licensed to operate an emergency and/or nonemergency medical vehicle ten dollars ($10.00) per year.
(b) For a medical vehicle service: forty dollars ($40.00) for the license renewal of the business, plus thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for each emergency medical vehicle, plus twenty dollars ($20.00) for each nonemergency medical vehicle operated by such service per year.
(c) For a person engaged in the business of transporting sick or disabled persons in a nonemergency medical vehicle or vehicles: thirty dollars ($30.00) for each nonemergency medical vehicle operated by such person per year.
(Ord. 29-84. Passed 8-20-84.)