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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   Adoption.
      (1)   The Albuquerque Areawide Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities Plan is adopted as an element of the Comprehensive Master Plan for the city and county of Bernalillo for the purpose of providing guidance for the provision of wastewater management facilities in accordance with the land use policies as adopted in the Metropolitan Areas and Urban Center Plan, the Plan for Major Open Space, the East Mountain Area Plan, and the adopted sector development plans.
      (2)   The Albuquerque Areawide Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities Plan is adopted for the purpose of serving as a guide to the city in the preparation of the Capital Improvements Program and the annual capital budget.
      (3)   The city shall review the Albuquerque Areawide Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities Plan from time to time. The City Council shall approve any amendment to the plan after review by the Environmental Planning Commission.
   (B)   Amendments. The Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities Plan, as adopted on May 9, 1977, shall be amended as follows:
      (1)   Incorporation of the text attached as Exhibit A to Resolution No. 35-1983.
      (2)   Add to the Table of Contents and to the Appendices “Appendix P - City of Albuquerque Sludge Disposal Study” as prepared by Molzen Corbin Stanley Consultants. Appendix P consists of three volumes with Volume I and II dated June 1986 and Volume III revised and dated June 1987, attached to Resolution No. 45-1988 and made a part hereof.
      (3)   On Page 36 and 37 delete Paragraph IV “Sludge Disposal” and insert the following paragraph in lieu thereof: “IV Sludge Disposal - Common to alternatives for treatment of liquid waste at Plant No. 2 is the requirement to ultimately dispose of, or reuse the sludge in accordance with state and federal regulations. Sludge disposal or reuse options are analyzed in detail in Appendix P.”
      (4)   Delete Paragraph (c) on Page 37 as amended in 1982 and insert new Paragraph (c) on Page 37 as follows: “(c) Description of Treatment Alternatives. A complete description of treatment alternatives at Plant No. 2 is contained in Appendix N. Alternatives examine different methods of both primary and secondary treatment as well as disinfection. Appendix N also addresses Plant No. 2 sludge processing including sludge thickening and sludge digestion. Alternatives for sludge dewatering, sludge disposal and sludge reuse are examined in detail in Appendix P.”
      (5)   To Section IX on Page 52 “Sludge Handling Alternatives at Plant No. 2” add the following introductory paragraph prior to Paragraph ((a)): “All needed sludge handling facilities for Plant No. 2 recommended in this Facilities Plan as amended in 1982 have been constructed or are under design and soon to be constructed as of 1987. A complete description of existing and proposed sludge handling facilities is contained in Appendix P. Additional sludge handling facilities at Plant No. 2 are not envisioned for the planning period of the Facilities Plan. The city also completed construction of sludge dewatering units in 1987. The city is currently phasing out the use of Sludge Drying Beds as per the intent of the 1982 amendment to the Facilities Plan.”
      (6)   Delete Paragraph ((h)) on Page 57 as added in the 1982 amendment.
      (7)   Add to Section X “Summary” on Page 57 the following additional paragraph: Appendix P summarizes the available alternatives for sludge disposal and/or reuse. Appendix P contains the latest and best available information on options and cost estimates and supersedes earlier information provided in Table 59 and Table 60.”
      (8)   Delete Paragraph 2, and insert new paragraph 2 on Page 182 as follows: “2. Description of Proposed Complete Sewer System. The existing interceptor system and proposed collectors and interceptors are shown on Maps A through S. The city has prepared an extensive sewer line atlas indicating the size and alignments of all existing sanitary sewer lines owned and maintained by the city. This atlas is referenced, but no included as a component of the Facility Plan. Treatment Plant No. 2 expansion will consist of expanding the activated sludge plant, renovating the existing trickling filter facilities, expanding digester capacity, expanding sludge thickening facilities, expanding pumping facilities, improving existing digesters, expanding cogeneration facilities and providing necessary support facilities such as laboratory, maintenance buildings and administrative space and associated odor control facilities. All of these facilities are as recommended in Appendix N which amended the Facility Plan in 1982. The plant expansion also should include a fully enclosed sludge centrifuge unit designed to dewater the sludge so as to minimize odors and sludge quantities that must be disposed of. Sludge disposal and sludge reuse will be conducted off of the plant site. As recommended by Appendix P, the city will use a combination of dedicated sludge disposal and sludge reuse at a new Soils Amendment Facility. Initial construction will be for facilities to dispose of the sludge at a dedicated land disposal site. The second phase of construction will include a pilot sludge composting facility with the resulting end product marketed as a soil conditioner. The intent is to gradually expand the composting operation, decreasing dependency on the dedicated sludge disposal site.”
      (9)   Delete Paragraph d and insert a new Paragraph d on Page 183 as follows: “d. General Location. The location of Treatment Plant No. 2 and its discharge location are as shown on Figure 7. The sludge disposal/reuse facility will be adjacent to the Double Eagle airport as shown in Appendix P: specifically, the site shown on Page E-19, Volume M, the areas designated `site to be acquired by Public Works Dept.' and `100 acre parcel traded to City Open Space Program;' the area designated `100 acre parcel traded to Public Works Dept.' is approved subject to the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer. Composted sludge will be marketed for use in areas throughout the metropolitan area.”
(Res. 72-1977, approved 5-9-77; Am. Res. 35-1983, approved 2-18-83; Am. Res. 45-1988, approved 3-17-88)