(A) Renewable Energy is any energy resource that is naturally regeneration over a short time scale and is:
(1) Generated by use of low- or zero-emissions generation technology with substantial long-term production potential; and
(2) Generated by use of renewable energy resouces that may include:
(a) Solar, wind, hydropower and geothermal resources;
(b) Fuel cells that are not fossile fueled; and
(c) Biomass resources, such as agriculture or animal waste, small diameter timber, salt cedar and other phreatophyte or woody vegetation removed from river basins or watersheds in New Mexico, landfill gas and anaerobically digested waste biomass; but
(3) Does not include electric energy generated by use of fossil fuel, waste products from fossil sources, waste products from inorganic sources or nuclear energy.
(B) A Renewable Energy Policy is adopted for the City and shall include the following elements:
(1) Solar Energy Incentives. The City Office of Economic Development and the Energy Conservation Council shall develop within 9 months from the effective date of this Resolution a program for providing incentives and tax credits for entities located within the city that manufacture solar energy products or that create solar energy technology. Upon approval of the program, the Council's intent is that up to $1,000,000 will initially be appropriated to fund the program from the City's CIP Decade Plan and Energy Conservation Grants.
(2) City-Owned and Constructed Buildings. The City Department of Municipal Development, in consultation with the Energy Conservation Council, shall begin a process to equip or retrofit all City-owned buildings and developenergy procurement policies to achieve the goal of securing 15% of the power for City-owned facilities from renewable sources, solar energy, in particular, within 7 years from the effective date of this Resolution. A minimum of 33% of the power acquired from renewable sources shall come from on-site renewable energy. The on-site power generation may be funded through third party financing, City funds, Federal and State Grants and sources as available.
(3) New City-Owned and Constructed Building and Additions over 50,000 Square Feet. All new buildings and additions built for or by the City that are over 50,000 square feet shall have 15% of the power to the building generated by on-site renewable energy.
(4) Energy Efficiency Upgrades. The Department of Municipal Development and the Energy Conservation Council, shall report back within 6 months of the enactment of this legislation on the progress of the 1% for Energy Conservation bond program, and make recommendations to extend the program beyond the 2007 bond cycle and for expansion of the program to increase energy efficiency and add investment in renewable technologies, pursuant to subsection 2 of this section.
(5) Energy Efficient Design Standards for City Owned Buildings. The Department of Municipal Development in consultation with the Energy Conservation Council shall within 2 years of the effective date of this Resolution adopt energy efficient design standards for new City buildings, additions to City buildings and remodels of City buildings that reduce energy consumption 10% below that required by the State Building Code.
(6) Renewable Fleet Fuels. The City fleet shall be fueld with a minimum of 20% non-petroleum based fuels within 5 years.
(7) Rebate Program. The City, through the Finance Department, the Municipal Development and the Energy Conservation Council, shall develop a rebate program, similar to that of the City's water conservation program, to encourage the use of renewable energy, including solar panels, by city residents and present it to the Council.
(8) Natural Design Energy Management. The City Department of Environmental Health, Parks and Recreation Department and the Planning Department shall within 12 months of the effective date of this resolution, develop landscape deisgn guidelines, and a program to disseminate these guidelines, that promote the use of natural plants and material to enhance energy conservation and quality of life.
(9) The Energy Conservation Council, by March 30, 2006, shall submit to the Administration and to the City Council a 5 year education plan that includes a budget component, to fulfill the education mandate set forth in 14-8-5-4 ROA 1994.
(10) IRB Scoring for Renewable Energy and Demand Side Supply via Energy Efficiency. The City shall amend the scoring criteria for approving Industrial Revenue Bond applications to provide added points for creating, producing or using renewable energy and renewable energy technology.
(11) Development Standards and Incentives. The City, Planning Department and the Energy Conservation Council in cooperation with the New Mexico Chapter of the United States Green Building Council shall propose to the Council within 9 months of the enactment of this legislation revised development standards or incentives for new residential developments based on energy efficiency.
(12) Application for State Funds. The City, through the Department of Municipal Development and the Energy Conservation Council, shall apply for a "Clean Energy Grant" pursuant to the Advanced Energy Technologies Economic Development Act, Sections 71-7-1 et seq. NMSA 1978, to obtain funding to develop efficiency technology for the City.
(13) Purchase of Environmentally Safe Products. The City, through the Department of Finance and Administration, in consultation with the Energy Conservation Council shall propose to the Council within one year of the enactment date of this Resolution amendments to the Purchasing Ordinance which develop specifications for City purchases that reduce exposure of city residents and visitors to potentially toxic chemicals, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants, protect the ground and surface waters, maximize water and energy efficiency, favor renewable energy sources, maximize post consumer recycled content and readily recyclable or compostable materials, favor long-term use through product durability, repairability, and reuse, and consider life cycle economics of a product including its manufacture, transportation, use and disposal.
(14) Net Metering. The City, as part of its legislation priorities for the 2006 state legislature shall lobby for adoption of the Public Reglation Commission's net-metering measure that will provide the City with opportunities to sell back to utility companies any excess renewable energy and renewable energy credits produced by installations on City-owned facilities.
(C) The Administration and the Energy Conservation Council in the development of the policies and programs established in this Resolution shall consult with, and when possible, include the participation of, other interested parties.
(D) The Administration shall provide a report to the Council within 6 months of the effective date of this Resolution regarding the status of the development of the policies and programs set forth herein and shall continue to provide reports every 6 months until the policies and programs set forth in this Resolution are implemented.
(Res. R-153-2005, approved 9-28-05)