(A) The Guidelines for Public Systems for a Portion of the Area West of the Rio Grande, dated September 24, 1974, is adopted as the official guidelines for orderly development for the purpose of coordination and efficiency in the provision of public facilities and services for the area described and the Priority Area for development shall be within the area defined by the portions of Water Zones 1W, 2AW and 32RW below elevation 5255 MSL served by the Atrisco, College and Volcano trunks of the Master Plan for Water Supply of the city 1963 as amended in 1972.
(B) The 1985 Land Use Plan and the simultaneously-adopted Master Plans for Water Supply, Drainage, Sanitary Sewer, and Sewerage Treatment Works and the subsequently adopted Major Street and Highway Plan be amended as appropriate to accommodate the elements of the Plan as well as the following specific policies:
(1) Water supply. All land development shall be consistent with the Master Plan for Water Supply, adopted on September 8, 1965 and revised in 1972. Implementation shall be coordinated through the annual Capital Improvement Program and in accordance with the policies of “Water & Sewer Line Extensions” adopted by resolution by the City Commission on May 23, 1961, and as subsequently amended.
(2) Sanitary sewers. All land development shall conform to the Master Plan for Sanitary Sewers, adopted on September 8, 1964 and as subsequently amended. Implementation shall be in accordance with orderly development in the public interest coordinated through the Capital Improvement Program and in accordance with the policies for extensions adopted by the City Commission on May 23, 1961, and as subsequently amended.
(3) Transportation. All land development, including all public streets, access ways, and transit facilities shall be in accordance with the Major Street and Highway Plan (adopted on October 12, 1965) and since amended, and the Metronet (adopted in concept on September 15, 1969) and with the modifications included in the Guidelines for Public Systems, adopted as a part of this section, including recommendations for bikeways, regional trails, and a pedestrian access system. Implementation shall be consistent with the public interest as determined by the 1975 Transportation Priority Program (MRGCOG adopted June 1974) and as subsequently amended.
(4) Drainage. All land development, including streets and public facilities, shall comply with the requirements of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority (AMAFCA) Resolution No. 1972-2, adopted on July 13, 1972, and with the Western Albuquerque Metropolitan Area Drainage Management Plan (William A. Matotan & Associates, June, 1974) as adopted by the Board of AMAFCA on August 22, 1974, and as subsequently amended, and in concept and intent shall be in accordance with the performance objectives of the Guidelines for Public Systems for the area described, adopted as a part of this section.
(5) Parks and Recreation. The acquisition and development of lands and facilities for public parks and recreation and for the regional community and local public open space and trail system for the area west of the Rio Grande shall be in accordance with the policies of the Guidelines for Public Systems adopted as a part of this section. Existing policies for dedication of land for parks and recreational purposes for the affected area shall be amended accordingly. Implementation shall be consistent with public priorities as coordinated through the Capital Improvement Program. Responsibility for operation and maintenance of multi-use public facilities shall be according to functional responsibility and in proportion to use.
(Res. 31-1975, approved 3-5-75)