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Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   The advisory group called the Infill Development Task Force (Task Force) that was appointed pursuant to Resolution 17 (25-2000) shall continue to meet to develop policies which encourage appropriate infill development and recommend strategies for overcoming barriers to appropriate infill development.
      (1)   The Task Force is composed of fifteen members representing various organizations involved in or most affected by infill development, who are recognized as leaders by their peer group.
      (2)   Members who were appointed to the Task Force by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council pursuant to Resolution 17 (25-2000) shall continue their appointment. The Mayor may replace members who are unable to complete their term.
      (3)   Members of the Task Force are as follows: Six members of recognized neighborhood associations within the city, one member representing the financial profession, one member representing the real estate profession, two members representing the development profession, one member of the City Environmental Planning Commission, two members representing environmental advocacy groups, one member of the design profession from either the fields of architecture, land planning, or engineering, and one member from the homebuilding profession.
      (4)   The Task Force shall continue to be appointed for one year from the original appointment pursuant to Resolution 17 (25-2000). The Planning Department, with assistance of other City staff will continue to be designated to assist the group.
   (B)   The Task Force shall do the following by June 6, 2001:
      (1)   Develop recommendations for mechanisms which will encourage the development of infill sites where appropriate. Recommendations could include additional policies supporting appropriate infill development or changes in procedures which assist and support infill development, such as expediting the review/approval process, providing special staff help in the city review process, assistance in the review of proposals with neighborhoods and adjacent property owners, assistance in financing to correct infrastructure deficiencies in the older parts of the city, and any other time saving or cost saving methods which would encourage the development of infill sites. The Task Force's recommendations should distinguish between areas in the city where there are specific impediments to infill development and areas where such impediments do not occur. The Task Force should review the city's 1988 Infill Development Study prior to making its recommendations and should incorporate, where possible, that study's recommendations.
      (2)   Select at least two but no more than three infill sites from various sources (including the city vacant land inventory for any vacant sites), that, through a joint public/private effort, could be developed as a demonstration project in three years through a public process. The sites should include a mix of various land uses such as housing, commercial, office, and manufacturing/industrial. The Task Force shall develop a definition of "redevelopable" land for the purpose of carrying out the goals of this Resolution.
      (3)   Initiate a public education program by holding a minimum of two public forums using the demonstration site program to inform and educate the general public on the issues surrounding infill development from the various viewpoints such as, opportunities / constraints, neighborhood desires/concerns, governmental opportunities / constraints, and market considerations / affordability.
      (4)   Recommend amendments to the various plans, policies, resolutions, ordinances, and processes that contain unnecessary obstacles to appropriate infill development including but not limited to, the Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinances, and the Development Process Manual. The amendments would assist the City Council, the Environmental Planning Commission, and the city staff when considering zone map amendments and other factors for infill sites.
   (C)   Resolution 17, Enactment No. 25-2000, is hereby repealed, but the Task Force appointed under, and the deadlines set forth in, Resolution 17, Enactment 25-2000, shall remain in effect as described or modified herein.
(Res. 25-2000, approved 3-21-00; Am. Res. 100-2000, approved 10-18-00)