(A) A city Utility Oversight Committee is created; it shall consist of seven members, all appointed ex-officio: two members of the Council, appointed by the Council President; the Chief Administrative Officer or his designee; and the directors of the following departments or their designees: Legal (Chairperson), Finance and Management, General Services, and Public Works.
(B) Administrative and preliminary policy analyses as to the city's utility representation function will be governed by the utility oversight Committee except as to PNM's restructuring and the electric utility franchise.
(1) In making utility policy recommendations to the Council, the Committee shall consider financial impact on the city government, effect on the long-term economic well-being of the community and its residents, and the immediate economic effect on the residents of the city.
(2) No decisions of the Utility Oversight Committee shall set city policy on utilities; policy positions of the city shall be set by resolution of the Council.
(C) The city's positions in the utility representation function regarding the New Mexico Public Service Commission Case No. 2146 (PNM's proposed restructuring plan) and the electric franchise are not within the purview of the Utility Oversight Committee but are policy matters and shall be governed by actions of the City Council.
(Res. 71-1988, approved 5-3-88)
(A) There is hereby established a City of Albuquerque Restructuring Act Advisory Panel ("ARAAP") to investigate load aggregation and other opportunities for residential and small business consumers in conjunction with the City of Albuquerque.
(B) The ARAAP shall be composed of no more than eight members to include the Chief Administrative Officer of the City, the Director of Council Services, a City employee involved in the procurement of utility services, one representative from the transmission and distribution company serving the City of Albuquerque, two representatives from the residential community and two representatives from the small business community. The City Legal Department and Council Services shall provide staff support to the ARAAP.
(C) The ARAAP is charged with conducting open meetings, including presentations from interested parties, to:
(1) Investigate local government aggregation opportunities in conjunction with residential and small business consumer interests, as may be contemplated by the Restructuring Act;
(2) Investigate other local government opportunities in conjunction with residential and small business consumer interests, as may be contemplated by the Restructuring Act;
(3) Investigate what functions, i.e. generation services, ancillary services, facilitator, educator, etc., the City of Albuquerque might best perform;
(4) Investigate limitations on the City's ability to act as may be contemplated in divisions (C)(1) through (3) above;
(5) Recommend to the City Council any proposed course of action; and
(6) Serve as a liaison with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission.
(D) The ARAAP shall submit its written findings and recommendations to the City Council no later than August 1, 2000.
(Res. 1-2000, approved 1-13-00)
(A) An Office of Recycling is hereby established as an integral function of the Solid Waste Department.
(B) The Office of Recycling will endeavor to accomplish the following objectives:
(1) Encourage the participation by the entire community in recycling efforts;
(2) Develop and implement a detailed plan for city government recycling of its own waste materials as a way to generate revenues to pay for the Office of Recycling and as an example and model to other governmental entities and private organizations;
(3) Develop and implement a curbside recycling program to be implemented in conjunction with improved collection technologies;
(4) Pursue opportunities for grants and donations from state, federal and private sources in order to promote and support the objectives of the Office;
(5) Coordinate with other communities in New Mexico to promote recycling efforts;
(6) Coordinate planning and programs with the private recycling industry, non-profit organizations, neighborhood groups and other concerned groups and individuals;
(7) Develop legislative positions for city consideration on recycling issues;
(8) Promote economic opportunities through recycling resulting in additional revenues for the city and non-profit groups and employment opportunities for residents of Albuquerque.
(C) The Office of Recycling will prepare a detailed plan for the accomplishment of these objectives and will formally submit such plan to the Mayor and the City Council not later than April 1, 1989.
(Res. 172-1988, approved 10-28-88)