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Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
AI NO: 4-3
TITLE: Vehicle Acquisition Policy and Procedures 
PRIMARY DEPARTMENT: Office of Civil Rights
To create an environmentally and fiscally responsible City of Albuquerque fleet by ensuring that it is properly sized and fuel efficient while still meeting all intended uses. The Departments exempt from this policy are Solid Waste, Transit, Fire, Police and Aviation. Not exempt are Fire and Police non-emergency response equipped vehicles.
   a)   Zero emissions vehicle
      “Zero emissions vehicle” or “ZEV” is defined as a vehicle that does not produce tailpipe emissions.
   b)   Cost-competitive
      “Cost-competitive” is defined as a vehicle’s total cost of ownership within ten percent of the cost of a gasoline or hybrid vehicle.
1. It is the policy of the City of Albuquerque that all vehicles purchased for the City of Albuquerque’s fleet will be:
   a. Fuel-efficient with the lowest emissions within the vehicle class/type; prioritizing zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs) over comparable vehicles powered by internal combustion vehicles utilizing fossil fuels and;
   b. Commercially available, practical and reasonably cost-competitive for the class/type of vehicles needed for specific assignments.
2. Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) will not be purchased unless justified based on a verified work assignment. Such work assignments will include rough terrain/off-road travel, passenger/cargo requirements, and/or trailer towing requirements on a routine basis.
3. The Department of Finance and Administrative Services Fleet Division will work with City departments to coordinate and support the replacement of fleet vehicles with lower emissions and greater fuel-efficiency.
4. Requests for vehicles other than a standard vehicle, mid-sized or smaller sedan, or for an exemption from ZEV replacement, must provide written justification by the Director of the requesting department and be approved by the Fleet Review Committee (FRC), as described below.
5. Exceptions to this policy may be approved on a case-by-case basis by the FRC, based upon the intended use, application, vehicle specifications and/or over-riding cost considerations. Fuel economy and vehicle emissions are prioritized when requesting other vehicle types.
Fleet Review Committee (FRC)
   1. Define vehicle utilization and allocation policies and procedures to enhance the control, operation, cost effectiveness and positive environmental impact of the City of Albuquerque’s Fleet.
   2. Provide guidance to City departments and divisions regarding vehicle upgrades, additions and replacements.
   3. Improve communication with vehicle users throughout the City of Albuquerque.
   4. Serve as the final authority on vehicle upgrades, additions and replacements.
   1. The FRC shall consist of a representative from each department appointed by the director thereof. All members will be considered to have equal rights and responsibilities. All votes will be determined by consensus.
   2. Members must make every effort to attend and actively participate in FRC meetings. Members must also be knowledgeable about all activities occurring in their respective departments that may impact the utilization and allocation of vehicles. Each member shall have an alternate who will attend in his or her absence.
   3. A member of the Fleet Division, appointed by the Fleet Manager, will serve in a non-voting capacity to ensure compliance with policies and requirements.
   1. Review, revise, and initiate, if required, City of Albuquerque policies and procedures governing the control and operation of City owned vehicles.
   2. Make decisions regarding requests for vehicle upgrades, replacements or additions.
   3. Annually develop city wide standardized specifications for each class of vehicle.
   4. Development and maintenance of City Fleet replacement and utilization criteria.
   5. Development and maintenance of the Alternative Fuel Policy.
Fleet Management Division’s Role
   1. Provide Fleet Management policy guidance and support both the end user departments and the Fleet Review Committee with fleet data and analysis.
   2. Serve as the facilitator of the FRC meetings.
   3. Administer the purchase, salvage of all approved equipment and vehicle requests, and to assign under-utilized vehicles.
   1. Perform an annual fleet analysis, and make recommendations for vehicle replacements to the FRC using the utilization and replacement criteria set forth by the FRC.
   2. Fleet Management will work with the Purchasing Division to establish contracts for the standard specifications that the FRC has set forth for each class of vehicle.
   3. Assist the end-user departments with preparing requests to the FRC for vehicle and equipment upgrades or additions.
   4. Order, track, receive and prepare all approved vehicle purchases for the end-user departments.
   5. Receive and prepare for salvage units submitted for replacement.
Procedure for Vehicle Additions, Upgrades, Replacements and ZEV Exemption
   A. Vehicle Additions/Upgrades
      1. Any department or division interested in upgrading or adding a vehicle must contact and work with the Fleet Division to prepare a proposal to submit to the FRC.
      2. A representative from the requesting department or division will provide a brief presentation to the FRC to include details on the need for the requested upgrade or addition.
      3. The Fleet Division staff will provide supporting documentation including, but not limited to, the total number and usage of vehicles for the department or division.
      4. The FRC will make a determination on the need for the requested upgrade or the addition based on the following criteria:
         i. Whether the vehicle is required to continue providing excellent customer service;
         ii. Whether the vehicle required is due to an increase in staffing or the addition of new programs;
         iii. Whether the need can be met without a vehicle upgrade or addition;
         iv. Whether the upgrade/addition/retention is in the best interest of the City of Albuquerque;
         v. Whether current department/division vehicles are used enough to warrant this addition;
         vi. Whether this vehicle will help improve the sustainability of the City fleet in a fiscally responsible manner.
      5. The FRC will review the request based on the criteria above and provide a decision to the requesting department director.
      6. Department directors can appeal the FRC’s decision to the CAO.
   B. Vehicle Replacements
      1. The Fleet Management Division will annually perform an overall analysis of the City fleet, make recommendations for vehicle replacements and submit such recommendation to the FRC for review.
      2. The FRC will work closely with the Fleet Division staff to critically assess vehicles due for replacement to determine if the current vehicle is necessary to accomplish City goals.
      3. The FRC will meet annually with department directors to discuss vehicles approved for replacement within their respective departments.
   C. ZEV Exemptions
      1. The FRC may grant an exemption from ZEV replacement based on vehicle criteria including, but not limited to: public safety vehicle capabilities, emergency response functions, operating requirements, challenges due to infrastructure access for charging or refueling, or no cost-competitive or otherwise suitable ZEV replacement available.
      2. When the FRC grants an exemption to a ZEV procurement, the Fleet Division will select an alternative vehicle pursuant to the following priority structure: 1) plug-in hybrid vehicles, 2) hybrid-electric vehicles, 3) alternative fuel or other vehicle with demonstrated lowered emissions than the vehicle eligible for replacement.
Funding of replacement vehicles
The Fleet Division on behalf of the FRC will request funding during the annual budget process for all of the City vehicles that have been identified as eligible for replacement.
Written requests for exemption from this Administrative Instruction shall be reviewed by the FRC and forwarded with a recommendation to the CAO for approval.
Sarita Nair
Chief Administrative Officer
Effective Date