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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   The following fire restriction stages are established for all open space areas in the municipal boundaries of the City of Albuquerque or owned by the City of Albuquerque. Increased fire restrictions shall be determined by the Fire Chief and shall be based upon current fire indices, fire behavior predictions, current and expected weather conditions, drought indices, human factors, ignition factors and local factors that would cause undue strain on local fire agencies in the event of a fire.
   (A)   Stage I fire restrictions. The goal of Stage I restrictions is to prevent the start of wildfires based on human activities that are known to be high risk. Based on climate and fuel conditions in the Albuquerque area, Stage I restrictions shall be in effect at all times within all open space areas as defined herein unless a more restrictive stage has been imposed.
   (B)   Stage II fire restrictions. Stage II restrictions will be imposed when the threat of fire danger increases from conditions requiring Stage I restrictions. This stage intensifies the restrictions from Stage I by focusing on activities that, although normally managed under permit or contract, have a relatively high risk of causing a fire to start. Stage II restrictions limit the activities of contractors, permittees and other wildlands users in open space areas. The costs and benefits of imposing Stage II restrictions upon such contractors, permittees and wildlands users and the general public will be taken into account by the Fire Chief prior to determining to impose Stage II restrictions.
   (C)   Stage III closure. Stage III results in the closure of specific open space areas. This stage will be implemented when ongoing emergencies pose a risk to the health and welfare of the public or when the ability to mitigate risks using Stage I or II restrictions is no longer viable. The need to protect the public at this stage outweighs the impacts of implementing a partial or complete closure.
(Ord. 18-2011)