For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AEROALLERGENS. Airborne or air transported particles or agents which induce allergic reactions or responses.
ALLERGIC REACTION. Altered body reaction or response to an antigen, production of antibody.
CITY. Areas within the city limits of Albuquerque presently or which are annexed in the future.
COMMERCIAL GROWER. Person or business which cultivates plants for wholesale or retail sale.
COMMERCIAL GROWING. Growing or propagation of plants for wholesale or retail sale.
COTTONLESS. Male sex of a variety, species or cultivar of the genus Populus which does not produce seed covered with hairs or cotton.
DIOECIOUS. Having male and female reproductive structures on separate plants.
DIRECTOR. The Director of the Environmental Health Department.
FRUITLESS. Male sex of a variety species or cultivar which does not produce seeds or fruit.
MALE. Male or pollen producing member of a species either naturally unisexual or horticulturally developed or propagated.
MAYOR. Mayor, or Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Albuquerque.
MONOECIOUS. Having male and female reproductive structures on the same plant.
PERSON. Any individual, company, firm, corporation, association, group, political subdivision or their agents, legal representatives or assigns.
PLANTING. Placing or putting a plant in the ground for growth.
POLLEN. Male reproductive cell produced by the anther of the flowering structure of higher plants whether monoecious or dioecious.
REGULATED CULTIVAR. Species or variety developed and maintained under cultivation and for which planting, growing or sale is restricted.
REGULATED GENERA. Genus of plants which one or more of its species having restriction on planting, growing or sale.
TREES AND SHRUBS. Single- or multi-stemmed woody plants of indeterminate height.
(Ord. 34-1994; Am. Ord. 45-1996)