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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   Community Policing Councils are funded as part of the budget of the Civilian Police Oversight Agency. Subject to budget sufficiency and appropriation, the city shall provide sufficient funds to the Civilian Police Oversight Agency to ensure that the Community Policing Councils can fulfill their duties.
   (B)   The Albuquerque Police Department shall collaborate with the Community Policing Councils by, at a minimum:
      (1)   Regularly communicating with the Community Policing Councils and the Community Policing Council Liaison;
      (2)   Providing information and speakers for meetings of and inquiries by the Community Policing Councils;
      (3)   Reviewing, assessing, and responding to Community Policing Council recommendations within 45 days of receiving a recommendation; informing the Community Policing Council of whether the recommendation will be implemented; and providing a rationale for rejected recommendations;
      (4)   Making training available to Community Policing Council members; and
      (5)   Holding an annual meeting between the Chief of Police, Mayor and the Chair of each Community Policing Council to present their annual reports, discuss progress and concerns.
   (C)   The Civilian Police Oversight Agency shall provide staff and administrative support to the Community Policing Councils, including:
      (1)   Subject to budget sufficiency, appropriation, and city personnel policies and procedures, employing staff, including but not limited to a liaison and an administrative assistant, who are responsible for:
         (a)   Taking minutes at Community Policing Council meetings;
         (b)   Publishing Community Policing Council meeting minutes, agendas, and annual reports on the Community Policing Council website;
         (c)   Communicating with and coordinating resources for the Community Policing Councils;
         (d)   Keeping the Community Policing Councils informed of Department developments including but not limited to information related to the CASA;
         (e)   Community outreach plans; recruitment plans; and overall strategic goals and objectives;
         (f)   Providing support to Community Policing Councils for recruitment activities and recruitment planning;
         (g)   Notifying Community Policing Councils of potential recruitment opportunities;
         (h)   Helping ensure that each Community Policing Councils' selection process is fair, transparent, non-discriminatory, includes a representative cross-section of the community, and ultimately results in at least a CPC that satisfies the minimum membership and duties of §§ 9-4-6-1 et seq.; and
         (i)   Providing materials and supplies to the Community Policing Councils to support the Community Policing Councils in fulfilling their duties.