The CPOA shall be responsible for regularly informing the Mayor, the City Council, and the public by submitting semi-annual written reports that include but are not limited to the following information:
(A) Data relating to the number, kind and status of all complaints received including those complaints sent to mediation;
(B) Discussion of issues of interest undertaken by the Board which may include suggested policy and/or procedural changes, a listing of complaints and allegations by Council District, statistical ethnicity of subject officers, statistical ethnicity of complainants, and updates on prior issues and/or recommendations;
(C) The CPOA's findings and the Office of Police Reform’s issuance of discipline on those findings and the ongoing disciplinary trends of the Police Department;
(D) Information on all public outreach initiatives undertaken by the Board or the Director such as speaking engagements, public safety announcements, and/or public information brochures on the oversight process;
(E) Identification of any matters that may necessitate the City Council's consideration of legislative amendments to this Police Oversight Ordinance; and
(F) The amount of time that the Board dedicated to the policy activities prescribed by § 9-4-1-4(C)(4) relative to its other activities over the past quarter.