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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   The False Alarm Reduction Unit shall:
      (1)   Be the primary agency responsible for implementation and enforcement of the Albuquerque Alarm System Ordinance;
      (2)   Develop such forms, notifications, and systems as are necessary to implement the Albuquerque Alarm System Ordinance;
      (3)   Send the initial billing for all permits and annual renewals of same, as well as False Alarm service fees and applicable fines.
      (4)   Send a notice of each false alarm to the address of the alarm site.
      (5)   Coordinate between the alarm system industry, Albuquerque Police Department and Albuquerque Fire Department to reduce the number of false alarms and improve responses to true emergencies;
   (B)   If there is reason to believe that an alarm system is not being used or maintained in a manner that ensures proper operation and suppresses false alarms, the Mayor may require a conference with an alarm user and the alarm system business responsible for the repair of the alarm system to review the circumstances of each false alarm.
   (C)   If the False Alarm Reduction Unit identifies an alarm system installation and repair business that is operating in Albuquerque without a license from the Construction Industries Division of the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department or without a valid Albuquerque business registration, the False Alarm Reduction Unit shall report that business to the authorized state or local enforcement authority.
(Ord. 8-2003)