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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   Every alarm system installation and repair business and alarm system monitoring business must have an alarm business permit issued by the False Alarm Reduction Unit and comply with the business registration Ordinance. Every alarm system installation and repair business must have appropriate licensing from the State of New Mexico. No alarm system installation and repair business nor alarm system monitoring business shall install, repair, lease, or monitor an alarm system without a valid alarm business permit.
   (B)   Possession of an alarm business permit is not intended to, nor will it, create a contract, duty or obligation, either expressed or implied, of response by a Public Safety Officer to an alarm site for any reason. Any and all liability and consequential damage resulting from the failure to respond to a notification is hereby disclaimed and governmental immunity as provided by law is retained.
   (C)   A fee of $150.00 shall be charged for the issuance and each annual renewal of each alarm business permit. No refund of a permit or permit renewal fee will be made.
   (D)   An alarm business permit cannot be transferred.
   (E)   A separate alarm business permit is required for each alarm system installation and repair business and for each alarm system monitoring business.
   (F)   An alarm system installation and repair business or alarm system monitoring business that installs, repairs, leases or monitors an alarm system without a valid alarm business permit shall be subject to the regulations and penalty provisions of this Ordinance.
   (G)   When applying for an initial alarm business permit, an alarm system monitoring business at the minimum shall provide a list of the names, mailing addresses and phone numbers of alarm users and addresses of all of the alarm sites in Albuquerque monitored by that alarm system monitoring business.
   (H)   Whenever any information on the alarm business permit application changes, the permit holder shall notify the False Alarm Reduction Unit within 30 days of such change.
   (I)   Any false statement of a material fact made by an applicant for the purpose of obtaining an alarm business permit or failure to provide required information shall be subject to the penalties in § 9-3-99.
   (J)   To the extent allowed by law, the False Alarm Reduction Unit shall treat all information on the alarm business permit application, including but not limited to the lists of alarm users monitored by alarm system monitoring businesses, as proprietary and confidential trade secret information; provided, however, nothing in this Ordinance shall prohibit the use of such information for legitimate public safety purposes and for enforcement of this Ordinance.
   (K)   Alarm business permits shall be renewed only upon payment of all outstanding fees and fines assessed against the business permit holder under the Albuquerque Alarm System Ordinance.
(Ord. 8-2003)