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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   Upon completion of the backfilling of any excavation, the applicant must notify the Mayor. Pavement shall be placed by the applicant or its qualified subcontractor. The cost of pavement will be borne by the applicant. The applicant must begin resurfacing the excavation within a period of one day after required compaction of backfill; temporary asphalt patch for a maximum of 30 days is allowed. Pavement placement shall continue expeditiously until completed. Applicant shall be responsible for keeping the excavation safe for pedestrian and vehicular traffic until barricading is no longer required.
   (B)   Acceptance or approval of excavation work or backfilling by the Mayor does not prevent the city from asserting a claim against the applicant for incomplete or defective workmanship or materials if discovered within one year from the completion and city acceptance of the excavation work or backfilling. The presence of the Mayor’s designee during the performance of the work does not relieve the applicant of his responsibilities hereunder.
   (C)   When permits are issued for work on arterials, collectors, the downtown area, or other important streets as may be designated by the Mayor, such streets shall be patched with temporary asphalt or approved bridging across the excavation at the end of each working day and opened to traffic, unless other procedures are approved in advance by the Mayor.
   (D)   When the remaining asphalt pavement width resulting from an excavation is less than six feet to the nearest curb or edge of pavement, the entire remaining pavement must be removed and replaced with the excavation pavement repair, and be replaced in a monolithic layer of asphalt, unless otherwise approved by the city or the pavement repair must be performed using a T-type pavement repair with no less than two feet of additional pavement removed and replaced on either side of the excavation.
   (E)   Excavations within concrete pavement must be replaced with entire slabs of concrete pavement placed to the nearest joints, and must be approved by the City Street Maintenance Engineer.
(Ord. 13-2005)