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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   Procedure.
      (1)   Any person may apply to the City Engineer to change the name of a street segment which is within the city. (Application to change the name of a street which is not in the city but is in its planning and platting jurisdiction should be to the county.)
      (2)   The City Engineer shall mail letters to the owners of record of all lots adjacent to a street segment which is within the city and is proposed for name change, informing them of the nature of the proposed change and indicating how a person may file comments. At least 30 days shall be allowed for such comments before a decision is reached. Owner of record means the owner shown in the records of the County Assessor.
      (3)   The City Engineer shall request interested city departments and other agencies, including private utilities and the U.S. Postal Service, to comment on the request.
      (4)   The City Engineer shall make the decision as to local and collector streets in the following cases:
         (a)   An application or petition is signed by all owners of record of property abutting the street segment in question; or
         (b)   No person files a timely written objection to the name change.
      (5)   In other cases involving local and collector streets, the Planning Commission shall make the decision at a public hearing, after receiving a report from the Development Review Board.
      (6)   In cases involving major or minor arterial streets, the City Council shall rule on the request.
      (7)   Every person filing comments or receiving notification pursuant to division (2) of this division (A) shall receive written notification of the decision.
      (8)   In the event a proposed street name change is both within and outside the city, the city's decision shall not become final until the county rules, and in the event the county reaches a decision different than the city, the city decision shall not be final until 15 working days after notice of a reconsidered decision by the previous city decision maker.
      (9)   Appeal of the City Engineer's decision is to the Planning Commission. Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision is to the City Council. Appeals shall be filed within 15 working days of the postmark of the letter giving notice of the decision.
   (B)   Criteria.
      (1)   A street name shall be changed only if the decision maker finds that there will be a public benefit which clearly outweighs the public confusion and cost which would be created by the name change.
      (2)   Continuous major or minor arterial streets should have the same name throughout the urban area. However, the benefit of this clarity must be weighed against the confusion of changing addresses which are in use.
   (C)   Fees. The Mayor shall set a fee schedule to cover reasonable administrative expenses based on approximate city costs of reviewing name change proposals, holding public meetings and hearings, and other expenses incidental to the processing of street name change proposals and appeals thereof; successful applicants may also be charged a fee to cover the cost of street sign replacement.
('74 Code, § 8-1-4) (Ord. 99-1983)