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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   Potential applicants for a TIDD are encouraged to schedule and conduct a pre-application meeting and discussion with city staff. Input provided by city staff shall be of an advisory nature only, for the purposes of assisting applicants in submitting completed applications with detail and information required to enable meaningful consideration by the City Council. The purposes of the pre-application meeting shall be to:
   (A)   Make an initial assessment whether the proposed TIDD appears to be consistent with the city's land use and development policies, zoning and other applicable regulations, including applicable policies relating to economic development and job growth;
   (B)   Help identify any related city approvals that will be required to permit the TIDD;
   (C)   Identify other issues specific to the applicant's proposed project that should be addressed in its application in order for the city to make the findings required by Section 1(C) of the Act, such as compliance with applicable city policies, rules or regulations, and the proposed project's facilitation or support of economic development, job growth and job creation, work force housing, public school facility development and enhancement, mixed-use transit-oriented development, traditional neighborhood design or sustainable development;
   (D)   Identify the proposed improvement of the specific property within the proposed TIDD, including the expectation of the future obligations of the owner or developer and the city concerning the zoning, subdivisions, improvement, impact fees, financial responsibilities and other matters relating to the development, improvement and use of the real property within the proposed TIDD; and
   (E)   Establish a preliminary schedule for (i) the applicant's submittal of a TIDD application, (ii) city staff review of the application for completeness, (iii) City Council meeting or meetings for its consideration of and action on the application.
(Ord. 36-2006)