(A) Appointment.
(1) The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, shall appoint a committee to be known as the City of Albuquerque’s Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee. The eight members shall be appointed by the city to represent the following interest groups:
(a) One member to represent equestrian interests.
(b) One member to represent the interests of the physically challenged.
(c) One member to represent pedestrians and hikers.
(d) One member to represent off-road bicyclists (nonmotorized mountain bicyclists).
(e) One member to represent runners and joggers.
(f) One member to represent the active elderly.
(g) One member to represent the public-at-large residing east of the Rio Grande.
(h) One member to represent the public-at-large residing west of the Rio Grande.
(2) In voting, in the case of a tie, a motion shall be deemed defeated.
(3) The governmental entities and organizations listed below are each requested to name one non-voting advisory member to the Committee and to give written notice to the Mayor of such appointment. Advisory members may have indefinite terms and may be replaced when the appointing entity chooses. Advisory members will be notified of the time and place of every meeting by the staff liaison to the Committee. Advisory members shall not be officers or voting members of the Committee. Advisory members shall be appointed from the following groups:
(a) City of Albuquerque Environmental Planning Commission;
(b) Bernalillo County Planning Commission;
(c) City of Albuquerque Open Space Advisory Board;
(d) City of Albuquerque Greater Albuquerque Bicycling Advisory Committee;
(e) City of Albuquerque Metropolitan Parks and Recreation Advisory Board;
(f) City of Rio Rancho;
(g) Village of Los Ranchos;
(h) Village of Corrales;
(i) Village of Tijeras;
(j) Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District;
(k) National Forest Service;
(l) Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority.
(B) Duties, Responsibilities, Powers. The Committee shall:
(1) Advise the City of Albuquerque Environmental Planning Commission, the County Planning Commission, the city, the county, the Urban Transportation Planning Policy Board and other governmental entities concerning plans, programs and standards for recreational trails that are predominantly off-street facilities but which may cross, parallel or share street right-of-way for limited lengths;
(2) Help develop and promote a recreational trails plan to:
(a) Create a network of off-road trail which link major open space, parks, other public facilities and neighborhoods;
(b) Incorporate existing adopted city and county policies regarding open space and trails; and
(c) Set priorities to optimize the use of public funds for recreational trails;
(3) Help promote multi-use of public right-of-way for trails where desirable and appropriate;
(4) Help coordinate joint use of recreational trail facilities by a variety of users;
(5) Promote trail safety and safety education.
(6) Review and make recommendations to the City of Albuquerque Environmental Planning Commission, the County Planning Commission, the city, the county, the Mid Region Council of Governments, the Urban Transportation Planning Policy Board and Planning staff and other governmental entities concerning plans or actions which impact recreational trails or the proposed recreational trail network;
(7) Cooperatively work with organized and non-organized constituent groups to make recom- mendations which to the extent possible, meet the needs of all recreational trail users;
(8) Advise and recommend appropriate levels of trail maintenance and cooperatively work with organized and non-organized constituent groups on development of volunteer maintenance programs as appropriate;
(9) Except where modified in this section, the provisions §§ 2-6-1-1 et seq. apply to all duties, powers, and procedures of the Committee.
(C) Ratification of Prior Actions and Continuation of Terms of Board Members.
(1) The actions of the Committee established by the previous ordinance are hereby ratified, and the Committee members appointed pursuant to the previous ordinance shall continue to serve until their successors are appointed and confirmed pursuant to §§ 2-6-1-1 et seq. Any current Committee member eligible for re-appointment under the previous constitution of the Committee may be appointed to the like position constituted under this ordinance; the first of such appointments shall count as a second term for such existing Committee member.
(2) The terms of the Committee members shall be for three years except that for the first term after the enactment of this ordinance, the terms shall expire as follows:
(a) Equestrians representative, term expires June 30, 2009;
(b) Runners and Joggers representative, term expires June 30, 2010;
(c) Off-road Bicyclist representative, term expires June 30, 2009;
(d) Eastside at-large representative, term expires June 30, 2010;
(e) Pedestrians and Hikers representative, term expires June 30, 2009;
(f) Physically Challenged representative, term expires June 30, 2010;
(g) Westside at-large representative, term expires June 30, 2009;
(h) Active Elderly representative, term expires June 30, 2010.
('74 Code, § 7-15-8) (Ord. 56-1989; Am. Ord. 48-1990; Am. Ord. 8-2008; Am. Ord. 2017-025)