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Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
Site areas listed below shall comply with the following standards. In any case where a decorative wall or fence is required or installed, chain link fencing (with or without slats) shall not satisfy the requirement.
5-6(G)(1)   Roof-mounted Mechanical Equipment
5-6(G)(1)(a)   No screening is required for rooftop solar energy equipment.
5-6(G)(1)(b)   In any R-ML, R-MH, Mixed-use, NR-C, NR-BP, NR-SU, or NR-PO zone district, roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened by a parapet wall or similar feature that is an integral part of the building's architectural design. The parapet wall or similar feature shall be sufficient to screen the mechanical equipment from all sides when viewed from 5 feet above ground level at any property line abutting a City park or trail, Major Public Open Space, major arroyo, or public street classified as a collector, arterial, or interstate highway. (See figure below.)
5-6(G)(2)   Ground-mounted Mechanical Equipment
5-6(G)(2)(a)   R-ML, R-MH, and Mixed-use Zone Districts
Outdoor ground-mounted mechanical equipment shall be located where it is not visible from streets, City parks or trails, Major Public Open Space, or major arroyos adjacent to the lot or from adjacent properties to the maximum extent practicable.
5-6(G)(2)(b)   NR-C, NR-BP, NR-SU, and NR-PO Zone Districts
Outdoor ground-mounted mechanical equipment shall be located where it is not visible from streets, City parks or trails, Major Public Open Space, or major arroyos adjacent to the lot or from adjacent properties with low-density residential development to the maximum extent practicable.
5-6(G)(2)(c)   Screening
Where it is not practicable to locate ground-mounted mechanical equipment pursuant to Subsections (a) and (b) above, such equipment shall be screened from view by an opaque decorative wall or fence or a vegetative screen.
   1.   The wall or fence shall be of a height equal to or greater than the height of the mechanical equipment being screened and shall incorporate at least 1 of the primary materials and colors of the nearest wall of the primary building (but excluding exposed CMU block).
   2.   The vegetative screen shall be planted along the full length of the equipment to be screened and shall be of a height equal to or greater than the height of the equipment to be screened at the time of planting.
   3.   No screening of ground-mounted solar energy equipment that would reduce the efficiency or effectiveness of the solar energy equipment is required.
5-6(G)(2)(d)   Safety Exemption
Notwithstanding Subsections (a), (b), and (c) above, screening is not required if it would violate any State or federal safety rules.
5-6(G)(3)   Loading, Service, and Refuse Areas
5-6(G)(3)(a)   Covering Waste Containers
All waste containers and dumpsters shall be in a roofed enclosure or be equipped with and use a lid covering and shall be designed so that stormwater runoff does not reach storm drain inlets.
5-6(G)(3)(b)   Development Abutting Low-density Residential
Where a lot is abutting low-density residential development or lots zoned R-1, R-MC, or R-T, dumpsters for solid waste, but not for recycling, are prohibited in any required setback or landscape buffer area that is contiguous with the low-density residential development.
5-6(G)(3)(c)   R-ML, R-MH, and Mixed-use Zone Districts
Outdoor loading, service, and refuse areas shall be integrated into the building design if possible, or shall be located where they are not visible from streets, City parks or trails, Major Public Open Space, or major arroyos adjacent to the lot or from adjacent properties to the maximum extent practicable.
5-6(G)(3)(d)   NR-C, NR-BP, NR-SU, and NR-PO Zone Districts
Outdoor loading, service, and refuse areas shall be integrated into the building design if possible, or shall be located where they are not visible from streets, City parks, Major Public Open Space, trails, or major arroyos adjacent to the lot or from adjacent properties with low-density residential development to the maximum extent practicable. (See figure below.)
5-6(G)(3)(e)   Screening
Where it is not practicable to locate the loading, service, and refuse areas pursuant to Subsections (c) and (d) above, they shall be screened from view by an opaque decorative wall or fence at least 6 feet tall but not more than 8 feet tall that incorporates at least 1 of the primary materials and colors of the nearest wall of the primary building (but excluding exposed CMU block) or a vegetative screen planted along the full length of the area to be screened and at least 8 feet high at the time of planting. (See figures below.)
5-6(G)(4)   Outdoor Storage Areas for Vehicles, Equipment, and Materials
Areas where motor vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, trailers, recreational vehicles, boats, equipment, and/or materials, are stored outside and are typically not moved within a consecutive 7-day period, and that are adjacent to any Residential zone district, a lot containing a residential use in any Mixed-use zone district, a City park, Major Public Open Space, public trail, or major arroyo, shall be screened from view by a vegetative screen or by an opaque decorative wall or fence at least 7 feet and no more than 8 feet high that incorporates at least 1 of the primary materials and colors of the nearest wall of the primary building (but excluding exposed CMU block).
5-6(G)(5)   Outdoor Activity
High-temperature processes (such as combustion or welding), shall be screened from view by an opaque decorative wall or fence at least 6 feet tall but not more than 8 feet tall that incorporates at least 1 of the primary materials and colors of the nearest wall of the primary building (but excluding exposed CMU block) or a vegetative screen planted along the full length of the area to be screened and at least 8 feet high at the time of planting.
5-6(G)(6)   Satellite Dishes
For ground-mounted satellite dishes that are larger than 3 feet in diameter in any Residential zone district, or that are larger than 6 feet in diameter in any Mixed-use or Non-residential zone district, the base of the dish shall be screened from view from a City park, Major Public Open Space, public trail, or major arroyo by a vegetative screen or an opaque wall or fence constructed of 1 of the primary materials used on the nearest façade of the primary building on the lot (but excluding exposed CMU block), to the maximum extent possible and consistent with the effective operation of the satellite dish.