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Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
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Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
5-2(K)   RAIL TRAIL EDGES 88   89   90
5-2(K)(1)   Applicability
   This Subsection 14-16-1-1 applies to development or redevelopment on lots adjacent to the Rail Trail.
5-2(K)(2)   Access and Connectivity
   On-site pedestrian walkways shall connect to the Rail Trail, as long as such access is coordinated with and approved by the City Parks and Recreation Department.
5-2(K)(3)   Edge Buffer Landscaping
   5-2(K)(3)(a)   All new multi-family residential development, mixed-use development, or non-residential development other than industrial development shall provide a landscaped buffer area at least 5 feet wide and plant at least 1 tree and 3 shrubs every 25 feet along the property line abutting the Rail Trail.
   5-2(K)(3)(b)   All new industrial development shall provide a landscaped buffer area at least 15 feet wide along the property line abutting the Rail Trail, as specified in Subsection 14-16-5-6(E)(4)(b).
5-2(K)(4)   Wall and Fences
   5-2(K)(4)(a)   For multi-family residential development, mixed-use development, and non-residential development other than industrial development, walls in any side or rear yard abutting the Rail Trail shall meet the requirements of Subsection 14-16-5-7(D)(3)(d).
   5-2(K)(4)(b)   For industrial development, chain link fencing (with or without slats) shall not be allowed on any portion of a site visible from the Rail Trail. Chain link fencing is allowed as temporary security fencing during active construction.
5-2(K)(5)   Building Height Stepdown 91
   Any portion of a primary or accessory building within 20 feet in any direction of the Rail Trail shall step down to a maximum height of 48 feet, except in the following circumstances:
   5-2(K)(5)(a)   Properties in a DT-MS-PT area.
   5-2(K)(5)(b)   Properties where 100 percent of the outdoor seating and gathering areas required by Subsection 14-16-5-11(E)(3) are located abutting the Rail Trail.
   5-2(K)(5)(c)   Properties where there are 2 or more street frontages, not including the Rail Trail. 92   93
5-2(K)(6)   Building Design
   5-2(K)(6)(a)   At least 50 percent of the outdoor seating and gathering areas required by Subsection 14-16-5-11(E)(3) (Outdoor Seating and Gathering Areas) shall be located adjacent to the Rail Trail.
   5-2(K)(6)(b)   In the NR-LM or NR-GM zone districts, any façade facing the Rail Trail shall meet the requirements in Subsection 14-16-5-11(E)(2)(a)3.
   Construction on a lot abutting Major Public Open Space or on a lot with a sensitive land shall prevent and mitigate potential negative impact. See the DPM for additional standards.
   5-2(L)(1)   The property owner shall provide photographs of any sensitive land indentified on the property and/or the property edge abutting Major Public Open Space and a site plan with a keyed location of each photograph.
   5-2(L)(2)   The property owner's contractor shall hold a pre-construction meeting with City Parks & Recreation staff about Major Public Open Space and City Planning staff about sensitive lands to establish construction work activities and any access points, if necessary, to the Major Public Open Space or sensitive land.
   5-2(L)(3)   The property line abutting Major Public Open Space shall be fenced and signed to disallow entry during construction.
   5-2(L)(4)   Grading plans must ensure that the sensitive land is not compromised or damaged. Extensive fill adjacent to sensitive land shall be avoided to the maximum extent practicable.
   5-2(L)(5)   Before a Certificate of Occupancy may be granted, a post-construction meeting with Parks & Recreation or Planning staff, as relevant, shall be held to verify that the Major Public Open Space or sensitive land has been adequately protected during construction or that any damage has been restored pursuant to the DPM or relevant City Standard Specifications.



88 IDO Annual Update 2023 - Small Area Text Amendments - EPC REVIEW. EPC reviewed and recommended approval of proposed development standards for the Rail Trail as a Small Area separate from the Citywide amendments [Project# 2018-001843 / RZ-2023-00043].
89 2023 IDO Annual Update - Small Area Text Amendment - COUNCIL REVIEW. Rail Trail [O-24-17]. Passed 6/17/2024.
90 IDO Annual Update 2023 - Citywide Text Amendments - EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. Revised editorially for consistency with headings for other edge standards. [Spreadsheet Item #60]
91 IDO Annual Update 2023 - Citywide Text Amendments - EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. Revised editorially for consistency with the IDO. [Spreadsheet Item #60]
92 2023 IDO Annual Update - Citywide Text Amendments - LUPZ REVIEW. LUPZ Amendment [O-24-17]. Withdrawn 5/15/2024.
93 2023 IDO Annual Update - Small Area Text Amendment - COUNCIL REVIEW. Rail Trail [O-24-17]. Amendment passed 6/17/2024.
94 IDO Annual Update 2023 - Citywide Text Amendments - EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. [Spreadsheet Item #16 and Exhibit - Preventing and Mitigating Construction Impact] Revised editorially for clarity. [Spreadsheet Item #60]