The provisions of this Charter are severable, and if any provision, section, clause, sentence, or part thereof is held to be illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable, to any person, persons, circumstances, situation, or otherwise, the illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining sentences, clauses, sections, articles, or parts of this Charter or their applicability to other persons, circumstances or situations.
(Adopted at Special Election, February 26, 1974 as part of Proposition #3.)
The City of Albuquerque shall have no power to grant or extend any franchises, licenses or other rights to provide electricity to the public or to wholesalers unless the franchise, license or right has been awarded by competitive bid to the lowest cost suppliers. The total term of any franchise, license or right shall not exceed 25 years. The city shall have the power and the mandatory duty to implement this Article through legislation. Such legislation shall maximize actual competition in the selection process, in fact as well as form. This Article shall not prohibit the grant of multiple franchises, licenses or rights for all or part of the city.
(Article XV adopted at Runoff Election, November 1, 1989.)