   51.001   Definitions
   51.002   Installation of sanitary facilities and connections to available public sanitary or combined sewer required
   51.003   Connection of drains carrying unpolluted waters limited to combined or storm sewers or suitable natural outlets
   51.004   Permit required to make connections to or use public sewers or storm drains; application procedure
   51.005   Liability of owner for costs of installation and connection to building sewer; indemnification of town
   51.006   Requirements for building sewer installation and connection
Private Sewage Disposal Systems
   51.045   Definitions
   51.046   Construction or maintenance of noncomplying private sewage disposal systems prohibited
   51.047   Permit required for construction of private disposal system; permit and inspection fee
   51.048   Validity of permit contingent on inspection and approval of installation; inspection procedure
   51.049   Construction and location requirements
   51.050   Discharge to natural outlets prohibited
   51.051   Requirements for construction and use of privies and outdoor water closets
   51.052   Owner's liability for maintenance on private sewage disposal systems
   51.053   Availability of public sewer; abandonment and filling of private systems
   51.054   Notice to offenders
   51.055   Liability of offender for costs and damages
   51.056   Applicability of additional requirements of health officer
   51.070   Discharge of wastes to sewage system
   51.071   Auxiliary equipment and pretreatment facilities
   51.072   Inspection, testing and maintenance of sewer system
   51.073   Obstruction of municipal sewer system unlawful
   51.074   Notice of violations; time period for correction
   51.075   Liability to town for occasioned damages
Service Rates and Charges
   51.085   Definitions
   51.086   Tap charges
   51.087   Sanitary sewage service rate basis
   51.088   Sanitary sewage service rates applicable to in-town users; rate surcharge for users outside of town
   51.089   Metered water users
   51.090   Residential sewer users who are not users of municipal water supply; flat monthly sewage rate applicable
   51.091   Nonresidential sewer users not using municipal water supply; determination of sewage volume for rate purposes
   51.092   Further rates and charges based on unusual strength or character of sewage; special treatment agreements
   51.093   Sewage service billing procedure
   51.094   Nonpayment of sewage service bills; write-offs