Article 4 - Uses
4: Uses
4.1.   Chapter Organization
4.1.1.   Uses Distinguished
4.1.2.   Chapter Organization
4.2.   Principal Uses
4.2.1.   Use Classification System
4.2.2.   Principal Use Table Structure
4.2.3.   Principal Use Table
4.3.   Use-Specific Standards
4.3.1.   Standards Applied to All Uses
4.3.2.   Standards Applied to any Special Use
4.3.3.   Residential Use Types
4.3.4.   Institutional Uses
4.3.5.   Commercial Uses
4.3.6.   Industrial Uses
4.3.7.   Agricultural Uses
4.4.   Accessory Uses
4.4.1.   Purpose
4.4.2.   Organization of These Standards
4.4.3.   Procedure for Establishment
4.4.4.   General Standards for Accessory Uses and Structures
4.4.5.   Table as Guide
4.4.6.   Listed Accessory Uses
4.4.7.   Standards for Specific Accessory Uses
4.5.   Temporary Uses
4.5.1.   Purpose
4.5.2.   Applicability
4.5.3.   General Standards for Temporary Uses and Structures
4.5.4.   Standards for Specific Temporary Uses
4.6.   Unlisted Uses
4.6.1.   Procedure
4.7.   Prohibited Uses
4.7.1.   Prohibited Everywhere
4.7.2.   Prohibited by Overlay District Standards
4.1.1.   Uses Distinguished
Chapter 4: Uses, contains all the standards related to the use of land in the Town's planning jurisdiction, and is organized by the three types of land use: principal, accessory, or temporary use.
   A.   Principal uses are the primary, permanent use types proposed on a lot (like a single- family home).
   B.   Accessory uses are subordinate to the principal use located on the same lot (like a detached garage serving a single-family home).
   C.   Temporary uses are uses allowed for a short duration of time (like a portable storage container used for the purposes of storing or moving a household's belongings).
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
4.1.2.   Chapter Organization
   A.   Principal Uses.
      1.   Section 4.2, Principal Uses, explains the use organization system and sets out the summary use table, or the master listing of principal use types and the districts where they are allowed. Individual principal use types are defined in Section 9.4, Definitions.
      2.   Section 4.3, Use-Specific Standards, sets out the requirements for designated individual use types, regardless of the zoning district where it is located.
   B.   Accessory Uses. Section 4.4, Accessory Uses, sets out the general standards applicable to all accessory uses as well as any additional standards applicable to specific accessory uses.
   C.   Temporary Uses. Section 4.5, Temporary Uses, sets out the standards for temporary uses, including the districts where allowed, the maximum duration, and any additional standards applicable to specific temporary uses.
   D.   Unlisted Uses. Section 4.6, Unlisted Uses, describes the process used by the Town in determining how to address use types that are not already specifically listed in this Ordinance.
   E.   Prohibited Uses. Section 4.7 Prohibited Uses, identifies the use types that are prohibited throughout the Town's planning jurisdiction.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)