A. Agriculture and Horticulture. Sale of produce grown on-site or on an adjacent lot that is part of the same agricultural operation is permitted provided they take place outside the right-of-way.
B. Agricultural Support Services.
1. General. All directly-related agricultural support services shall comply with the following standards:
a. Be allowed only in direct association with an on-going agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, or silvicultural use;
b. Be on a lot of at least one acre in size; and
c. Be operated or maintained by the owner or occupant of the land upon which the primary agricultural activity is being conducted.
2. Agri-Education and Agri-Entertainment. Agri-education and agri- entertainment uses shall comply with the following standards:
a. Minimum Size. Be at least two acres in area;
b. Obtain Building Permits. Obtain building permits and comply with the State Building Code(s) for all structures intended for occupancy by members of the public;
c. Special Event Permit. Obtain a special event permit for all activities drawing more than 100 people to the site per day;
d. Provide Adequate Facilities. Provide public restrooms, adequate parking, and pedestrian circulation features; and
e. Comply with Minimum Requirements. Ensure permanent buildings within 500 feet of a public right-of-way comply with the landscaping standards in this Ordinance.
3. Equestrian Facilities. Equestrian facilities shall comply with the following standards:
a. The land on which the facility is located shall be at least two acres in size.
b. No stalls or stables shall be within 200 feet of any existing adjoining residential dwelling and 100 feet from any adjoining well being used for human consumption.
c. Stables must be operated and maintained in a healthy and safe manner. Healthy and safe is defined as, but not limited to: fences kept in good repair; potable water available on demand; protection from wind or rain; a sign posted indicating the name and phone number of the person to be contacted in case of emergency.
4. Nursery, Production.
a. No heated greenhouse shall be operated within 20 feet of any lot line.
b. Any outside storage of equipment, vehicles, or supplies shall be fully screened from off-site views by buildings, fencing, or landscaping.
5. Roadside Market.
a. Retail sales within a roadside market shall be limited to the agricultural and aquaculture products produced by the owners or vendors in the establishment.
b. At least 75 percent of the floor area shall be devoted to the direct retail sales of agricultural, seafood, or related agricultural products to the general public.
c. Temporary signage associated with a roadside market shall not be erected more than 30 days prior to the seasonal opening of the market, and shall be removed within 30 days of the closing of the season.
C. Animal Husbandry. Animal husbandry uses shall comply with the following standards:
1. Outside Corporate Limits. Animal husbandry is only permitted on lots located outside the Town's corporate limits.
2. Minimum Site Size.
a. Any use engaged in animal husbandry shall have a minimum lot area of at least 20,000 square feet in size.
b. Uses maintaining non-hoofed animals shall maintain 1,500 square feet per animal kept on site.
c. Uses maintaining hoofed animals shall maintain 9,000 square feet per animal kept on site.
3. Minimum Setbacks. All barns, pens, and enclosures shall be located at least 100 linear feet from lot lines and drinking water sources (except those intended for livestock).
4. Fencing or Pens Required. Animals (excluding waterfowl) shall be maintained within pens, fenced areas, or other suitable enclosures.
5. Maintenance Required.
a. Pens, stalls, and grazing areas shall be maintained in a sanitary manner free from noxious odors.
b. Manure stockpiles shall not exceed six feet in height and shall not be permitted during the period from May 1 until August 31.
D. Farmer's Market. A farmer's market shall comply with the following standards:
1. The use shall be a principal use of the lot where located.
2. Retail sales shall be limited to the agricultural and aquaculture products produced by the owners or vendors in the establishment.
3. At least 75 percent of the floor area shall be devoted to the direct retail sales of agricultural, seafood, or related agricultural products to the general public.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)