4.4.3.   Procedure for Establishment
   A.   Accessory uses or structures may be approved in conjunction with the approval of the principal use or subsequently following the establishment of the principal use. No
accessory use or structure shall be approved, established, or constructed before the principal use is approved in accordance with this Ordinance.
   B.   Applications to establish a conditional zoning district shall be supplemented by a site plan showing proposed accessory uses or by a written list of proposed accessory uses which shall be attached to the application approval along with other conditions of approval.
   C.   Table 4.4.6: Accessory Use Table, may not be inclusive of all possible accessory uses, and in the event an accessory use is proposed that is not listed in the table, the Planning Director shall consult Table 4.2.3, Principal Use Table, to determine if the proposed accessory use corresponds to a listed principal use. Any listed principal use is permitted as an accessory use in any zoning district where the principal use is permitted. In no instance shall an accessory use be permitted in a zoning district where it is prohibited as a principal use.
   D.   In the event a proposed accessory use is not listed in Table 4.4.6: Accessory Use Table, and there is no corresponding principal use, the Planning Director shall determine how to treat the accessory use in accordance with Section 4.6, Unlisted Uses.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)