4.1.2.   Chapter Organization
   A.   Principal Uses.
      1.   Section 4.2, Principal Uses, explains the use organization system and sets out the summary use table, or the master listing of principal use types and the districts where they are allowed. Individual principal use types are defined in Section 9.4, Definitions.
      2.   Section 4.3, Use-Specific Standards, sets out the requirements for designated individual use types, regardless of the zoning district where it is located.
   B.   Accessory Uses. Section 4.4, Accessory Uses, sets out the general standards applicable to all accessory uses as well as any additional standards applicable to specific accessory uses.
   C.   Temporary Uses. Section 4.5, Temporary Uses, sets out the standards for temporary uses, including the districts where allowed, the maximum duration, and any additional standards applicable to specific temporary uses.
   D.   Unlisted Uses. Section 4.6, Unlisted Uses, describes the process used by the Town in determining how to address use types that are not already specifically listed in this Ordinance.
   E.   Prohibited Uses. Section 4.7 Prohibited Uses, identifies the use types that are prohibited throughout the Town's planning jurisdiction.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
4.2.1.   Use Classification System
Individual uses of land, or use types, are organized into one of five use classifications as described below.
   A.   Use Classifications.
      1.   Use classifications are the top tier in the system and are the broadest groupings of land uses. There are five use classifications used in this Ordinance:
         a.   Residential uses;
         b.   Institutional uses;
         c.   Commercial uses;
         d.   Industrial uses; and
         e.   Agricultural uses.
      2.   The primary purpose of the use classifications is to serve as an organizing principal for grouping the different use types.
   B.   Use Types.
      1.   Use types are the specific individual uses included within a particular use classification.
      2.   Individual use types are defined in Section 9.4, Definitions.
   C.   Developments with Multiple Principal Uses.
      1.   Developments with multiple principal uses, such as shopping centers, shall incorporate only those use types allowed in the applicable zoning district.
      2.   In cases where a proposed development includes two or more use types, and one of those use types requires approval of a special use permit, the special use permit shall be approved prior to occupancy of any use types.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
4.2.2.   Principal Use Table Structure
   A.   Table Structure.
      1.   Table 4.2.3, Principal Use Table, lists principal use types and indicates whether the principal use type is permitted by-right, by a special use permit, allowed in a planned development district, or prohibited in a particular zoning district. It also includes a reference to any applicable specific standards that may apply to a particular use type.
      2.   Individual use types are listed alphabetically by use classification.
      3.   The right-most column includes a reference to any applicable use-specific standards associated with a use type. Unless otherwise stated in the standards, a use-specific standard applies to a particular use regardless of the zoning district where it is located.
   B.   Uses Permitted By-Right. A "P" in a cell of the principal use table indicates that the specific use type is permitted by-right in the corresponding zoning district, subject to compliance with any additional use-specific standards referenced in the principal use table, and any other applicable standards in this Ordinance.
   C.   Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit. An "S" in a cell of the principal use table indicates that the specific use type is permitted in the corresponding zoning district only upon approval of a special use permit in accordance with Section 2.2.18, Special Use Permit, any additional use-specific standards referenced in the principal use table, and any other applicable requirements of this Ordinance.
   D.   Uses Allowed in a Planned Development District.
      1.   An "A" in a cell of the principal use table indicates that the specific use type is permitted in a planned development district, provided the specific use type is included in the list of potential use types in the master plan or terms and conditions statement.
      2.   Allowed uses are subject to any additional use-specific standards referenced in the principal use table.
      3.   If a use type is listed as prohibited in a planned development district in Table 4.2.3, Principal Use Table, it may not be included in a master plan or terms and conditions statement.
   E.   Use-Specific Standards.
      1.   When a specific use type is permitted in a zoning district, there may be use- specific standards that are applicable. Such additional standards are referenced in the principal use table column titled "Use-Specific Standards." These standards shall apply to a specific use type regardless of the zoning district, unless otherwise specified.
      2.   Use types are also subject to any district standards listed in the applicable zoning district in Article 3: Districts.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)