4.2.1.   Use Classification System
Individual uses of land, or use types, are organized into one of five use classifications as described below.
   A.   Use Classifications.
      1.   Use classifications are the top tier in the system and are the broadest groupings of land uses. There are five use classifications used in this Ordinance:
         a.   Residential uses;
         b.   Institutional uses;
         c.   Commercial uses;
         d.   Industrial uses; and
         e.   Agricultural uses.
      2.   The primary purpose of the use classifications is to serve as an organizing principal for grouping the different use types.
   B.   Use Types.
      1.   Use types are the specific individual uses included within a particular use classification.
      2.   Individual use types are defined in Section 9.4, Definitions.
   C.   Developments with Multiple Principal Uses.
      1.   Developments with multiple principal uses, such as shopping centers, shall incorporate only those use types allowed in the applicable zoning district.
      2.   In cases where a proposed development includes two or more use types, and one of those use types requires approval of a special use permit, the special use permit shall be approved prior to occupancy of any use types.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)