Any use type in this Ordinance subject to the requirement to obtain a special use permit by Table 4.2.3, Principal Use Table, shall be subject to any applicable use specific standards in Section 4.3, Use-Specific Standards, as well as the following requirements. Special use permit applications shall only be approved if the BOA finds that the use, as proposed, or as proposed with conditions will:
A. Be in harmony with the area and not substantially injurious to the value of properties in the general vicinity;
B. Be in conformance with all special requirements applicable to the use;
C. Will not adversely affect the health or safety of the public; and
D. Will adequately address the following review factors:
1. Site circulation and access;
2. Off-street parking and loading;
3. Service entrances/areas;
4. Exterior lighting;
5. Signage;
6. Utilities;
7. Open space;
8. Environmental protection;
9. Landscaping;
10. Screening;
11. Compatibility with surrounding uses; and
12. Consistency with the Town's adopted policy guidance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)