Article 1: Inclusionary Housing Requirements
8-8.101 Authority.
8-8.102 Purpose.
8-8.103 Findings.
8-8.104 Provision of affordable housing.
8-8.105 Definitions.
8-8.106 Affordable for-sale housing requirement.
8-8.107 Multifamily rental development affordable housing requirement.
8-8.108 Timing and term.
8-8.109 Basic design requirements for owner-occupied and rental affordable units.
8-8.110 Equivalency proposals permitted.
8-8.111 Alternatives to the standard inclusionary housing component.
8-8.112 Inclusionary housing agreements.
8-8.113 Agreement checklist.
8-8.114 In-lieu fees for small developments.
8-8.115 Method of calculating in-lieu fees.
8-8.116 Collection and use of in-lieu fees.
8-8.117 Primary residence certification.
8-8.118 Affordable housing incentives.
8-8.119 Administration of affordability control.
8-8.120 Procedure for sale of affordable units.
8-8.121 Method for sale of affordable units.
8-8.122 Limitation of down payment requirement.
8-8.123 Calculation of "silent second".
8-8.124 Payoff of the silent second.
8-8.125 Resale upon close of twenty year occupancy requirement.
8-8.126 Subordination policy.
8-8.127 Refinancing policy.
8-8.128 Affordable rent determinations.
8-8.129 Buyer screening.
8-8.130 Exempted residential projects.
8-8.131 Appeals.
8-8.132 Grandfather provisions.
8-8.133 Enforcement.