A developer may request that the County provide inclusionary incentives as set forth in this ordinance. The goal of these inclusionary incentives is to apply available incentives to qualifying projects in a manner that, to the extent feasible, offsets the cost of providing the inclusionary housing component. The Planning Director shall respond to any inclusionary housing incentive request and make a determination as to a package of inclusionary incentives under consideration, subject to the approval of the Planning Commission and/or Board of Supervisors.
(a) Fee Waivers or Deferrals. Upon application as provided herein, the County shall make available a program of waiver, reduction, or deferral of development fees, administrative fees, and financing fees for affordable units. Such a program may include a fifty percent (50%) waiver of development-related application and processing fees for affordable units constructed in connection with such residential project, subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors. In addition, the Board of Supervisors may consider, on a case by case basis, the provision of additional incentives as provided by law or as stated in the adopted Housing Element of the Yolo County General Plan.
(b) Modification of Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services Department Standards. Upon application as provided herein the County may modify the standards for affordable units, to the extent feasible, in light of the uses, design, and infrastructure needs of the development, standards relating to road widths, curbs, and gutters, parking, lot coverage, and minimum lot sizes.
(c) Streamlining and Priority Processing. The Planning Director shall review and modify, as appropriate, procedures for streamlining and priority processing which relieve affordable units of permit processing requirements to the maximum extent feasible consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare, subject to the final approval by the Board of Supervisors.
(d) Density Bonus. The County shall make available to the developer a density bonus as provided in state density bonus law (Government Code 65915), however, the affordability requirements to qualify for a density bonus shall be those required by this ordinance. Units produced as part of such a density bonus do not give rise to an inclusionary housing requirement.
(Ord. 1451, eff. January 1, 2015)