The definitions in this section shall govern the provisions of this ordinance.
Affordability Gap
“Affordability Gap” means the difference between the cost of constructing a housing unit based on fair market value versus the cost a low-income person can afford for a housing unit, using accepted housing cost calculations as provided in this ordinance.
Affordable Housing
“Affordable Housing” means affordable for-sale housing or affordable rental housing. Affordable for-sale housing is housing affordable to very low, low, and moderate income households as defined herein. Affordable for-sale housing payments are thirty percent (30%) of gross monthly household target income as defined in Title 25, Sections 6920 and 6924 of the California Code of Regulations, including maintenance, homeowners association dues, utilities, insurance and property taxes. Affordable rental housing is housing affordable to very low, low, and moderate income households.
Affordable Housing Cost
“Affordable Housing Cost” for a purchaser means the monthly amount that is affordable to a low or moderate-income household. The method for calculating affordable housing costs is as provided in this ordinance.
Affordable Purchase Price
“Affordable Purchase Price” means the maximum sale price a qualified purchaser may be required to pay for the affordable unit, as described in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
Annual household income
“Annual household income” means the combined gross income for all adult persons living in a dwelling unit as calculated pursuant to Title 25, Section 6932 of the California Code of Regulations, as amended, or its successor.
“Board” means the Yolo County Board of Supervisors.
Building permit
“Building permit” means a permit issued in accordance with the Yolo County Code.
Construction costs
“Construction costs” means the estimated cost per square foot of construction, as established by the Uniform Building Code, or its successor, for use in the setting of regulatory fees, multiplied by the total square footage to be constructed.
Density Bonuses
“Density Bonuses” entitles a developer to build additional residential units above the maximum number of units permitted by the General Plan, Community Plan, Specific Plan and Zoning designations in accordance with Government Code Section 65915 et seq. Density bonus units shall be constructed in the same development where affordable housing units are located.
“Developer” means any person, firm, partnership, association, joint venture, corporation, or other entity or combination of entities, which seeks County approval(s) for all or part of a residential development.
“Development” means one (1) or more projects or groups of projects of residential units constructed in a contiguous area. A development need not be limited to an area within an individual parcel or subdivision map.
Discretionary permit
“Discretionary permit” shall include Variances, Conditional Use Permits, and Site Plan Reviews issued in accordance with the Yolo County Code, and the approval of Tentative Subdivision or Parcel maps pursuant to the Yolo County Code.
Dwelling unit
“Dwelling unit” shall mean any building, or portion thereof, containing one (1) or more dwelling units designed or used exclusively as a residence or sleeping place for one (1) or more families, but not including a tent, cabin, boat, trailer, mobile home, dormitory, labor camp, hotel, or motel.
Extremely Low-Income
“Extremely Low-Income” are those households with incomes of less than thirty percent (30%) of County median income as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
“Family” means persons living together as a single, independent and separate housekeeping unit in one (1) dwelling unit and for the purposes of this paragraph, the word “family” includes and shall be deemed to include gratuitous guests and bonafide servants employed as such on the premises containing said dwelling unit.
“Feasible” means that even after complying with the requirements of this ordinance, the residential project as a whole remains reasonably capable of being financed, built and marketed, given the economic conditions prevailing at the time of approval of a residential project taking into account the incentives and alternatives that may be made available to the developer in accordance with this ordinance. In all cases, feasibility shall be as reviewed and recommended by the Planning Commission subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors.
For-sale units
“For-sale units” means housing units which provide an ownership opportunity including, but not limited to, single family dwellings, condominiums, cooperatives and mutual housing associations, except in circumstances where the unit is intended for rental use.
“Household” means "Family" as defined herein.
Limited Equity Housing Cooperative
“Limited Equity Housing Cooperative” means a housing cooperative organized in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 33007.6 and Business and Professional Code Section 11003.4. A limited equity housing cooperative is owned by a non-profit corporation or housing sponsor. Resident-owners own the cooperative as an individual whole, rather than individuals units within a development.
Low income households
“Low income households” are those households with incomes from fifty-one percent (51%) to eighty percent (80%) of County median income as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Market rate units
“Market rate units” means dwelling units in a residential project, which are not affordable units for very low, low and moderate-income households.
Median income
“Median income” means the median income, adjusted for family size, applicable to Yolo County as published annually pursuant to Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 6932 (or its successor provision) by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Moderate income households
“Moderate income households” are those households with incomes from eighty-one percent (81%) and up to one hundred twenty percent (120%) of County median income as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Monthly owner-occupied housing payment
“Monthly owner-occupied housing payment” shall be that sum equal to the principal, interest, property taxes, utilities, homeowner’s insurance and homeowner’s association dues paid on an annual basis divided by twelve (12).
Notice of Intent to Sell
“Notice of Intent to Sell” means the notice provided by owners of for-sale units to the County of their intent to offer their unit for sale. The covenants recorded against the property on which the unit is located shall provide that the owner shall provide a Notice of Intent to Sell in the manner prescribed in this ordinance.
Planning Commission
“Planning Commission” shall mean the Yolo County Planning Commission.
Planning Director
“Planning Director” means the Director of the Yolo County Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services Department or the designee of said Director.
Qualified Purchaser
“Qualified Purchaser” means a person or household approved for ownership of an affordable dwelling unit by the Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services Director in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
Resident controlled nonprofit housing corporation
“Resident Controlled Nonprofit Housing Corporation” means a housing corporation established to manage for-sale or rental housing projects designated for low to moderate income households in which the majority of households have formed a nonprofit housing cooperation, which need not have an equity interest in such projects.
Residential project
“Residential Project” means a proposed residential development or subdivision of land, including condominium and timeshare projects, or the construction of any dwelling unit located within the boundaries of unincorporated Yolo County for which a tentative map, parcel map, or for a project not processing a map, a building permit or other County approval is received after the effective date of this ordinance, unless exempt in accordance with Article 11 of this ordinance.
“Section” unless otherwise indicated, means a section of the Yolo County Code.
Self-Help Housing
“Self-Help Housing” means mutual self help housing constructed for very low, low, and moderate income families in which prospective home buyers provide labor to assist in the construction of the units. The intent of this program is to trade-off hours of labor into equity ("sweat equity") to reduce the purchase price of the units.
Targeted income families
“Targeted income families” means those households that meet the classification as very-low and low-income households as defined in this ordinance.
Very low income households
“Very low income households” are those households with incomes of up to fifty percent (50%) of County median income as defined by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(Ord. 1451, eff. January 1, 2015)