General Provisions
52.01 Scope
52.02 Definitions
52.03 Rules and regulations on file; copy of rate schedule
52.04 Codes adopted by reference
52.05 Approval of materials
52.06 Amendments and revisions
52.07 Remedies available
Application for Service; Connections and Installations
52.20 Written application or contract required
52.21 Modifications and assignment of contract
52.22 Description of service
52.23 Turning on water service
52.24 Service connections
52.25 Tap-in charges; service connection and meter installation fees
52.26 Installation of service piping; requirements
52.27 Maintenance of service pipes and meter boxes
52.28 Thawing frozen pipes
52.29 Inside piping and service lines
52.30 Cross-connections and backflow
52.31 Use of booster pumps
52.32 Access to premises
52.33 Meter requirements; prewiring for remote units
Regulations; Discontinuance of Service
52.45 Waste or excessive use of water
52.46 Notification of load increase
52.47 Resale of water
52.48 Private fire protection service
52.49 Liability for interruption of water service
52.50 Permanent disconnections
52.51 Customer request to discontinue service
52.52 Disconnection of service; notice; reconnections
52.53 Prohibited disconnections
52.54 Water main extensions
Billing Procedures; Rates
52.65 Deposits
52.66 Basis for monthly billing
52.67 Payment of bills; failure to pay
52.68 Adjustment of billing
52.69 Collections; deferred payment charge
52.70 Rate schedule
Water Rationing
52.80 Application
52.81 Declaration of need
52.82 Voluntary conservation
52.83 Mandatory conservation
52.84 Rationing
52.85 Exceptions
52.86 Notice
52.99 Penalty
The rules and regulations of the utility, as amended and supplemented from time to time, shall govern all water service rendered or to be rendered by the utility; shall be binding upon every customer;
and shall constitute a part of the terms and conditions of every contract for water service, whether expressly incorporated therein or not or whether or not a signed application for water service is on file.
(Ord. G-91-1048, passed 2-4-91)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CONTRACT. An agreement between the utility and the customer by which the utility sets forth its conditions to provide water service.
CURB STOP or SERVICE VALVE. A fitting inserted in the service pipe near the curb or main for turning on and shutting off water to the premised supplied or to be supplied.
CUSTOMER or CONSUMER. The person, firm, corporation, governmental agency or association having interest, whether legal or equitable, sole or only partial, either as tenant or owner, in any property which is, or is to be, supplied with water service, either temporarily or permanently, by the utility and all those having such interest.
DISTRIBUTION MAIN. A pipe owned by the utility, located in a street, easement, road, right-of- way and/or alley and used to deliver water:
(1) To fire hydrants or fire lines;
(2) To service pipes attached to the water main; and/or
(3) To private mains.
METER. The mechanical device owned by the utility and used to measure and record the quantity of water supplied to the customer.
MONTH. The period between any two consecutive regular billings by the utility for service rendered to a customer at his premises. Such billings are scheduled at intervals of approximately 30 days.
PLUMBER. A person or firm licensed by the state, registered by the County Building Department and recognized qualified to perform plumbing services.
PREMISES. A dwelling, building, structure or parcel of real estate which is normally supplied through a separate water service pipe and meter.
PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE or FIRE SYSTEM. A privately owned arrangement of pipes, fixtures and devices designed for stand-by service and from which is taken only for the extinguishment of fires.
PRIVATE WATER MAIN. A privately owned pipe connected to the utility’s distribution system and used to deliver water:
(1) For private fire service purposes and/or
(2) For general service purposes, services rendered through such private main shall be billed directly in accordance with established rates unless otherwise provided by written contract with the utility.
SECONDARY WATER SUPPLY. Water used on a premises as geothermal energy source, cooling water, manufacturing and other supplemental water usually drawn from private wells or captured surface waters, located on or near the premises served by the utility public supply.
SERVICE CONNECTION. That portion of a service pipe situated between and including the tap and the curb stop, installed and/or maintained by the utility.
SERVICE PIPE. A supply pipe including pipe fittings leading from the tap in the distribution system to or into the premises supplied or to be supplied.
TAP or CORPORATION COCK. A fitting owned by the utility and inserted in the distribution main to be used as the service pipe connection.
UTILITY. The Woodburn Water Utility, a department of the city and engaged in furnishing the public water supply in the city and its environs.
(Ord. G-91-1048, passed 2-4-91)