(A)   All water usage charges, other than for unmetered fire service or other special purposes, will be calculated upon the registration of the meter or meters installed, which registration shall be prima facia evidence of the amount of water used.
   (B)   (1)   The utility will make an effort to read meters every month or at intervals as designated by the City Board of Public Works and Safety.  In the event that the utility is unable to read the meter, or should the meter fail to register, or if the utility is unable to gain access to the customer’s premises, the customer will be billed on the basis of average of consumption as shown by the record of previous meter readings.
      (2)   The first charge after a meter reading is obtained will be then adjusted by averaging consumption over a period from the last reading, charging for each period in accordance with the schedule of rates in effect for the periods, and allowing credit for the amount of estimated billings as applicable to the event.
   (C)   After six consecutive months of estimating, the utility will automatically boost the consumption to four times the estimated amount.  The customer will continue to be billed at the boosted rate until such time as an actual read is taken and validated.  Any necessary billing adjustments will be made on the following billing, after the actual read.
   (D)   Where water is taken through more than one meter, then, each meter will be read and billed separately.
   (E)   All water passing through meters will be charged for at the applicable rates, whether used, wasted or lost through leakage.
   (F)   The utility will not be bound by billings rendered under a mistake of fact as to the quantity of service rendered.
(Ord. G-91-1048, passed 2-4-91)