General Provisions
111.01 Application of provisions
111.02 Licenses
111.03 Athletic exhibitions
111.04 Audience behavior
111.05 Building premises
111.06 Indecent shows
111.07 Public disturbance
111.08 Inspections
Gaming Devices and Vending Machines
111.10 License required
111.11 Definitions
111.12 Illegal devices, machines and acts
111.13 Fee schedule
111.14 Violation
Bowling Alleys
111.15 License required
111.16 Fee
111.17 Hours of operation
111.18 Noise
111.19 Gambling
Billiard and Pool Halls
111.25 Prohibited
111.50 License required
111.51 Application; fee
111.52 Sideshows and concessions
111.53 Parades
111.54 Inspections
111.55 Cheating
111.56 Obedience to regulations required
Motion Pictures
111.60 License required
111.61 Application; fee
111.62 Non-licensed premises
111.63 Prohibited pictures
111.64 Crowding
111.65 Fire prevention
111.66 Building requirements
111.67 Exits
111.75 License required
111.76 Fee
111.77 Non-licensed premises
111.78 Prohibited theatricals
111.79 Crowding; disturbance
111.80 Fire prevention
111.81 Building requirements
111.82 Exits
111.99 Penalty
Video Gaming Licensing, see Ch. 125