A. Initial Notice of Violation. The initial notice of any violation will be issued by a person who has been authorized as provided in this chapter. The initial notice of violation shall contain information as to the nature of the violation, shall be certified, and shall constitute prima facie evidence of the violation cited.
B. Authority to Issue Notices. Any sworn law enforcement officer and any Community Service Officer who detects a violation of a provision of this code that is subject to adjudication in the Administrative Adjudication System is authorized to issue a notice of violation and thereafter to serve the notice of violation in the manner set forth in this section. As used in this chapter, "Community Service Officer" shall mean and include code enforcement officers as defined in this code, and non-police personnel employed by the Winnetka Police Department or New Trier High School who have been duly authorized by the Village of Winnetka Chief of Police or his or her designee to issue citations for parking and non-moving compliance offenses under Title 10 of this code.
C. Form and Content of Notice of Violation. All Notices of Violation shall be issued in writing on a Village form, which may include, but shall not be limited to, pre-printed tickets or citations. Every Notice of Violation shall contain at least the following information:
1. The date, time, and location of the alleged violation;
2. The name and address of the defendant, if known;
3. The type and nature of the alleged violation, including a citation of the provision of this Code alleged to have been violated, and whether the violation is one that can be pre-paid or is one that requires the person receiving the notice to appear before the Administrative Hearing Officer;
4. The manual or electronic signature of the person issuing the notice;
5. The process for responding to the notice of violation, including pre-payment and requesting a hearing date, and the time frame within which to take such actions;
6. The legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held; and
7. The penalties for failure to respond to the notice, including, where applicable, the penalties for late payment and for failure to appear before the Administrative Hearing Officer.
(MC-2-2014, Added, 2/18/2014)