943.01 Purpose.
943.02 Definitions.
943.03 Control of trees vested in the Director.
943.04 Appointment and jurisdiction of arborist.
943.05 Trees permitted to be planted within the City.
943.06 Permit required.
943.07 Placing deleterious substances near trees.
943.08 Prohibiting stone or concrete on ground adjacent to tree trunk.
943.09 Care of trees during building operation and construction on public land or places.
943.10 Moving of trees.
943.11 Trimming of trees.
943.12 Trimming of trees on private property.
943.13 Trimming of trees not involving public property.
943.14 Certain trees prohibited.
943.15 Preservation and removal of trees on public property.
943.16 Interference with City employees.
943.17 Shade tree planting implementation and fees.
943.18 Inventory.
943.19 Shade Tree Department.
943.99 Penalty.
Shade Tree Commission - see ADM. Ch. 161
Trimming of trees - see GEN. OFF. 521.05
Injury or destruction of trees and growing products - see GEN. OFF. 541.06
Tree retention in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1171.13
Street trees in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1175.16