The following is a list of prohibited trees:
Acer saccharrinum
Silver Maple
Acer negundo
Box Elder
Ailanthus altissima
Tree of Heaven
Betula pendula
European White Birch
Eleagnus angustifolia
Russian Olive
Eleagnus umbellate
Autumn Olive
Juglans spp.
All species of Walnuts
Liriodendron tulipifera
Tulip tree
Maclura pomifera
Osage Orange
Morus spp.
All species of Mulberry
Populus spp.
All species of Poplars and Aspens
Pyrus calleryana
All pear trees except Cleveland Select
Rhamnus spp.
All species of Buckthorn
Salix spp.
All species of Willow
Ulmus Americana
American Elm
(Ord. 2009-8. Passed 2-3-09.)