Community Antenna Television Systems
729.01    Definitions.
729.02    Franchise grant.
729.03    Franchise to operate.
729.04    Insurance.
729.05    Franchise fee.
729.06    Surety bond.
729.07    Company books and records.
729.08    Rates.
729.09    Maps, plats and reports.
729.10    Conditions of street occupancy.
729.11    Construction and installation of system.
729.12    Rental properties.
729.13    System configuration.
729.14    Operation.
729.15    Supervision by City.
729.16    Removal of equipment from public ways.
729.17    Compliance.
729.18    Filings and communications with regulatory agencies.
729.19    Permits from required companies and agencies.
729.20    Emergency alert.
729.21    Safety requirements.
729.22    New developments.
729.23    Service agreements and regulations.
729.24    City's right to intervention in suits.
729.25    Open access.
729.26    Restrictions against assignments.
729.27    Preferential or discriminatory practice prohibited.
729.28    Restrictions on franchise.
729.29    Revocation of franchise.
729.30    Condemnation.
729.31    Sale, repair or installment of television sets by grantee prohibited.
729.32    Failure of City to enforce the franchise no waiver of the terms hereof.
729.33    Time essence.
729.34    Rights reserved to the City.
729.35    Grantee to have no recourse.
729.36    Extension of City limits.
729.37    Employment regulations.
729.38    Acceptance.
729.99    Penalty.
Franchises - see CHTR. Art. XI, §1
Cable television defined; contracts - see Ohio R.C. 505.90 et seq.
Unauthorized connection - see Ohio R.C. 4933.42