General Provisions
51.01 Definitions
51.02 Water system
51.03 Water turn-ons
51.04 Water service connections, buy-in fees and rates
51.05 Meters and meter readings
51.06 Rates, fees and monthly statements
51.07 Resale of water
51.08 Business and industrial uses
51.09 Application of regulations
Cross-Connection Control Program
51.20 Definitions
51.21 Purpose
51.22 Backflow prevention; preventers required
51.23 Hazard potential
51.24 Backflow assembly installation requirements; location
51.25 Inspections; maintenance; records
51.26 Discontinuance of water service; notice
51.27 Retroactive application
51.28 Plan review
51.29 Disclaimer of liability
Water Conservation
51.40 Adoption of Water Conservation Code
51.41 Purpose
51.42 Regulations
51.43 Potable water flowing into streets
51.44 Incentive program
51.45 Restrictions during water shortages; levels
51.46 Excessive water consumption rates
51.47 New landscape permits
51.99 Penalty