(A)   The City Manager, upon the recommendation of the Water Superintendent, is hereby authorized to declare water conservation levels. The conservation levels shall be initiated based upon the resource status which assessed the relationships between water demand, municipal safe production capability and reservoir storage levels, weather conditions and historic data. The City Manager shall evaluate resource status levels no less than once per week. Such evaluation criteria shall be documented and made available to the public.
   (B)   The following resource levels are hereby defined as follows:
      (1)   Resource Status Level 1. When water demand is equal to or less than safe production capability. SAFE PRODUCTION shall be defined as a daily system demand of 1,000,000 gallons per day/reservoir storage reserves of 18 months supply or more;
      (2)   Resource Status Level 2. When water demand is greater than safe production capability for three consecutive days or reservoir storage reserves are less than 12 months’ supply in or before December of any year;
      (3)   Resource Status Level 3. When water demand is greater than safe production capability for more than one week or reservoir storage reserves are less than ten months’ supply in or before February of any year; and
      (4)   Resource Status Level 4. When water demand exceeds total production capability and distribution storage reserves are at 50% or reservoir storage reserves are less than ten months’ supply any time after April.
   (C)   The following water conservation measures shall govern the use of water by city water users, as prescribed below correlating to the resource status levels established in division (A) above.
      (1)   Resource Status Level 1: Water Awareness. Water users are specifically encouraged to minimize waste in water used for irrigation, vehicle and pavement washing, construction and all other uses.
      (2)   Resource Status Level 2: Water Restrictions. The following water uses are restricted or prohibited. No person shall:
         (a)   Irrigate or wash vehicles, except as provided herein and subject to such additional restrictions as contained herein. Even-numbered addresses are restricted to said uses on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday; odd-numbered addresses and all others are restricted to said uses on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Irrigation may take place only between the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.;
         (b)   Wash vehicles with a bucket and hose with a positive type shutoff nozzle. No restrictions at commercial car washes;
         (c)   Wash paved areas such as driveways or sidewalks; and/or
         (d)   Use fire hydrants for other than emergencies.
      (3)   Resource Status Level 3: Water Emergency. In addition to the restrictions set forth in the previous status levels, the following water uses are further restricted or prohibited:
         (a)   Filling or refilling swimming pools, spas or wading pools;
         (b)   No irrigation of golf course fairways and roughs. No restrictions if treated effluent is used; and/or
         (c)   No landscaped areas may be irrigated more than two times per week; additionally, irrigation may only take place between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. on Thursday and Sunday for even numbered addresses, and on Wednesday and Saturday for odd numbered addresses and all others. No restrictions if treated effluent is used.
      (4)   Resource Status Level 4: Water Crisis. The following water uses are restricted or prohibited. No person shall:
         (a)   Do any of the acts prescribed in previous status level restrictions;
         (b)   Use potable or raw water for irrigation. City property and other properties used for city recreation programs, including the parks, golf courses and baseball fields shall be irrigated according to the restrictions in Level 3, until such time as the City Manager determines that such use is no longer in the best interests of the city;
         (c)   Use potable or raw water for any purpose that is not specifically authorized by this section, other than public health or emergency purposes;
         (d)   Use potable or raw water in violation of any other restriction deemed necessary by the City Council; and
         (e)   No new commercial or residential building permits will be issued, except under the following circumstances:
            1.   A water allocation has previously been granted by Council and impact fees have been paid toward water infrastructure;
            2.   The permitted construction will not result in new fixture units connected to the city’s potable water supply;
            3.   The application was submitted and in process prior to the declaration of Level 4 restrictions; and
            4.   All commercial water hauling is stopped, except for residential purposes.
(Prior Code, § 8-4.08) (Ord. 940, passed 3-13-2014)