(1) Any person who, for compensation or otherwise, either individually or as an employee or contractual employee of another person, undertakes to influence executive, legislative or administrative action.
(2) Any person who employs another person for the purposes of influencing executive, legislative or administrative action.
(B) It is a violation of this chapter to engage in lobbying or to employ any person for the purpose of lobbying who is not registered with the Will County Clerk, except upon condition that the person register and the person does in fact register within ten working days of an agreement to conduct any lobbying activity.
(1980 Code, § 42.03) (Res. 98-353, passed 11-19-1998) Penalty, see § 42.99
(A) Persons who, for the purpose of influencing executive, legislative or administrative action and who do not make expenditures that are reportable pursuant to § 42.06, appear without compensation or promise thereof only as witnesses before county committees for the purpose of explaining or arguing for or against the passage of or action upon any legislation then pending before such committees, or who seek without compensation or promise thereof the approval or veto of any legislation by the County Board.
(B) Persons who own, publish, or are employed by a newspaper or other regularly published periodical, or who own or are employed by a radio station, television stations, or other bona fide news medium which in the ordinary course of business disseminates news, editorial or other comment, or paid advertisements which directly urge the passage or defeat of legislation. This exemption shall not be applicable to such an individual insofar as he receives additional compensation or expenses from some source other than the bona fide news medium for the purpose of influencing executive, legislative or administrative action. This exemption does not apply to newspapers and periodicals owned by or published by trade associations and profit corporations engaged primarily in endeavors other than dissemination of news.
(C) Persons performing professional services in drafting ordinances or in advising and rendering opinions to clients as to the construction and effect of proposed or pending legislation where such professional services are not otherwise, directly or indirectly, connected with executive, legislative or administrative action.
(D) Persons who are employees of departments, divisions, or agencies of county government, and who appear before committees for the purpose of explaining how the passage of or action upon any legislation then pending before such committees will affect said departments, divisions or agencies of county government.
(E) Employees of county legislators, legislators and legislative agencies.
(F) Persons who possess technical skills and knowledge relevant to certain areas of executive, legislative or administrative actions, whose skills and knowledge would be helpful to officials when considering such actions, whose activities are limited to making occasional appearances for our communicating on behalf of a registrant and who do not make expenditures that are reportable pursuant to § 42.07 even though receiving expense reimbursement for such occasional appearances.
(G) Any full time employee of a bona-fide church or religious organization who represents that organization solely for the purpose of protecting the right of the members thereof to practice the religious doctrines of such church or religious organization.
(H) Persons who receive no compensation other than reimbursement for expenses of up to $500 per year while engaged in lobbying government, unless those persons make expenditures that are reportable under § 42.06.
(I) Any attorney in the course of representing a client in any administrative or judicial proceedings, or any witness providing testimony in any administrative or judicial proceeding, in which ex parte communications are not allowed and who does not make expenditures that are reportable pursuant to § 42.06.
(J) Persons who, in the scope of their employment as vendor, offer or solicit an official for the purchase of any goods or services where (1) said solicitation is limited to either an oral inquiry or written advertisements and informative literature; or (2) said goods and services are subject to competitive bidding requirements of the Illinois Purchasing Act; or (3) said goods and services are for sale at a cost not to exceed $5,000; and (4) such persons do not make expenditures that are reportable under § 42.06.
(1980 Code, § 42.04) (Res. 98-353, passed 11-19-1998)
(A) Every person required to register under § 42.03 shall each and every year, or before any such service is performed which requires the person to register, file in the Office of the County Clerk a written statement containing the following information:
(1) The name and address of the registrant.
(2) The name and address of the person or persons employing or retaining registrant to perform such services or on whose behalf the registrant appears.
(3) A brief description of the executive, legislative, or administrative action in reference to which such service is to be rendered.
(4) A picture of the registrant.
(B) Persons required to register under this chapter shall remit a single, annual and nonrefundable $50 registration fee. All fees shall be payable to the Will County Clerk for administration and enforcement of this chapter.
(1980 Code, § 42.05) (Res. 98-353, passed 11-19-1998)
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, every person required to register as prescribed in § 42.03 shall file with the Clerk a report under oath before a notary public, pursuant to the specifications set forth of all expenditures for lobbying made or incurred by the lobbyist on his behalf or the behalf of his employer. In the case where an individual is solely employed by another person to perform job related functions say part of which includes lobbying, the employer shall be responsible for reporting all lobbying expenditures incurred on the employer's behalf as shall be identified by the lobbyist to the employer preceding such report. Persons who contract with another person to perform lobbying activities shall be responsible for reporting all lobbying expenditures incurred on the employer's behalf. Any additional lobbying expenses incurred by the employer which are separate and apart from those incurred by the contractual employee shall be repotted by the employer.
(B) (1) The report shall itemize each individual expenditure or transaction over $100 and shall include the name of the official on whose behalf the expenditure was made, the name of the client on whose behalf the expenditure was made, the total amount of the expenditure, the date on which the expenditure occurred and the subject matter of the lobbying activity, if any.
(2) Expenditures attributable to lobbying officials shall be listed and reported according to the following categories:
(a) Travel and lodging on behalf of others.
(b) Meals, beverages and other entertainment.
(c) Gifts.
(d) Honoraria.
(3) Individual expenditures required to be reported as described herein which are equal to or less than $100 in value need not be itemized but are required to be categorized and reported by officials in an aggregate total in a manner prescribed by the County Clerk.
(4) Expenditures incurred for hosting receptions, benefits and other large gatherings held for purposes of goodwill or otherwise to influence executive, legislative or administrative action to which there are 25 or more county officials invited shall be reported listing only the total amount of the expenditure, the date of the event, and the estimated number of officials in attendance.
(5) Each individual expenditure required to be reported shall include all expenses made for or on behalf of county officials and members of the immediate family of those persons.
(6) The category travel and lodging includes, but is not limited to, all travel and living accommodations made for or on behalf of county officials in the capital during sessions of the County Board.
(7) Salaries, fees, and other compensation paid to the registrant for the purposes of lobbying need not be reported.
(8) Any contributions required to be reported under Article 9 of the Election Code need not be reported.
(9) Gifts and honoraria returned to the registrant within 30 days of the date of receipt need not be reported.
(C) (1) Reports under this section shall be filed by July 31, for expenditures from the previous January 1 through the later of June 20 and by January 31, for expenditures from the entire previous calendar year.
(2) Registrants who made no reportable expenditures during a reporting period shall file a report stating that no expenditures were incurred. Such reports shall be filed in accordance with the deadlines as prescribed in this division.
(3) A registrant who terminates employment or duties which required him to register under this chapter shall give the County Clerk, within 30 days after the date of such termination, written notice of such termination and shall include therewith a report of the expenditures described herein, covering the period of time since the filing of his last report to the date of termination of employment. Such notice and report shall be final and relieve such registrant of further reporting under this chapter, unless and until he later takes employment or assumes duties requiring him to again register under this chapter.
(D) (1) Failure to file any such report within the time designated or the reporting of incomplete information shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
(2) A registrant shall preserve for a period of two years all receipts and records used in preparing reports under this chapter.
(1980 Code, § 42.06) (Res. 98-353, passed 11-19-1998) Penalty, see § 42.99
(A) It shall be the duty of the Clerk to provide appropriate forms for the registration and reporting of information required by this chapter and to keep such registrations and reports on file in his or her office for three years from the date of filing. The Clerk shall also maintain a listing of registered lobbyists. Such records and listings shall be considered public information and open to public inspection during normal business hours.
(B) The Clerk shall administer this chapter. The Clerk shall review all forms that are filed for completeness. The Clerk shall report all violations and suspected violations of this chapter to the State's Attorney of Will County.
(1980 Code, § 42.07) (Res. 98-353, passed 11-19-1998)