City Attorney

133.01   Assistant City Attorney.
133.02   Secretary to City Attorney.
133.03   Legal interns.
133.04   Part-time temporary legal assistants.
133.05   Municipal Court prosecutions.   
133.06   Compensation from sources other than City.
133.07   Legal Assistant (full-time).
133.08   Contract services for collection.
133.09   Coordinator of Victim Services.
   Filing and certification of initiative and referendum petitions - see CHTR. §§15, 16
   Election; term; qualifications - see CHTR. §26
   Powers and duties - see CHTR. §§27, 37
   Prosecuting attorney for City - see CHTR. §28
   Representation of City and City officials - see CHTR. §§29, 30
   Legal opinions - see CHTR. §31
   Application for injunction - see CHTR. §32
   Forfeitures or specific performance - see CHTR. §33
   Mandamus - see CHTR . § 34
   Suit by taxpayer - see CHTR. §§35, 36
   Succession- see CHTR. §38
   Reports to Council- see CHTR. §39
   Provision of special legal counsel - see CHTR. §40