No person shall kindle or maintain any fire upon the property of another without authority of the owner of such property, nor shall any person wilfully or through neglect permit any fire on his or her own property to spread to the property of another.
(Prior Code, § 11-13) Penalty, see § 95.999
(A) Chimneys, flues, or similar devices for conveying products of combustion or hot gases to the exterior of the building shall be maintained in a matter as not to create a hazardous condition.
(1) Existing masonry chimneys which upon inspection are found to be without flue liner and with open mortar joints which will permit smoke or gases to be discharged into the building, or which are cracked as to be dangerous shall be made safe by means of a fire clay liner, fire brick, a corrosion resistant metal pipe and otherwise repaired if necessary, or the chimney shall be removed. Metal pipe liners shall be one inch less in diameter than the least dimension of the flue and entire space between the metal liner and the walls of the chimney filled with cement mortar.
(2) Existing chimneys and vents of metal which are corroded or improperly supported shall be replaced, unless suitable repairs are made.
(3) Existing chimney and vent connectors of metal which are corroded or improperly supported shall be replaced.
(B) All heat producing appliances, including boilers, furnaces, incinerators, ovens, and restaurant type cooking appliances shall be installed and maintained so as to be reasonably safe to persons and property. Evidence that heat producing appliances are installed in accordance with the applicable standard specified for this division (B) shall be evidence that such heat producing appliances are installed so as to be reasonably safe to persons and property.
(C) Exhaust systems provided for restaurant cooking equipment shall be maintained in a manner such as not to create a hazardous condition.
(1) Hoods, grease removal devices, fans, ducts, and other devices shall be inspected periodically and cleaned as needed to remove grease and deposits of residues.
(2) Fire extinguishing systems shall be inspected periodically and checked for proper operation. These inspections shall include a check that the supply of extinguishing agent in the system is adequate, and all actuation components are operating satisfactorily. Fusible links, if employed, shall be replaced or properly cleaned. Instructions for manually operating the system shall be posted conspicuously in the kitchen and employees checked for their knowledge of procedures.
(3) Any fire dampers shall be tested periodically to ensure proper functioning of all parts.
(D) Commercial, industrial, and flue-fed incinerators shall be provided with approved spark arrestors or other effective means for arresting sparks and fly ash.
(E) No person owning or occupying any building or other structure shall install, maintain, or use therein any rubber pipe, rubber hose or rubber connection, or other device or apparatus of rubber composition for the transmission of natural or artificial gas into or within such building or structure for illuminating or heating purposes therein.
(Prior Code, § 11-14) Penalty, see § 95.999
Every outside window in a building used for manufacturing purposes or for storage which opens directly on any hoistway or other vertical means of communication between two or more floors in such building, shall be plainly marked with the word “SHAFTWAY” in red letters at least six inches high on a white background; such warning sign to be so placed as to be easily discernible from the outside of the building. Every door or window opening on such shaftway from the interior of the building, unless the construction of the partition surrounding the shaftway is of such distinctive nature as to make its purpose evident at a glance, shall be similarly marked with the warning word, “SHAFTWAY” so placed as to be easily visible to any one approaching the shaftway from the interior of the building.
(Prior Code, § 11-16)
It shall be unlawful for any person to ignite, explode, or fire any firecracker, squib, or fireworks, or to sell or purchase any firecracker, squib, or fireworks except as provided in W. Va. Code 29-3E-1 to 29-3E-13.
(Prior Code, § 11-17) Penalty, see § 95.999
(A) Every person present at the scene of a fire shall be subject and obedient to the orders of firefighter and police officers in any matter relating to extinguishing the fire, removal and protection of persons and property endangered by fire, smoke, or water, freedom of Fire Department and medical personnel and apparatus to perform their duties or to function properly, and the maintenance of order at or near the scene of the fire, and it shall be unlawful for any person to disobey any such lawful order of a firefighters or police officer.
(B) Firefighters and police officers shall have authority to arrest persons who disobey such orders and to hold them in custody until the fire has been extinguished, at which time the violators shall be dealt with according to law.
(Prior Code, § 11-18) Penalty, see § 95.999