71.001 Maximum speed limits
71.002 Slow speed
71.003 Special speed limitations
71.004 Racing on streets and highways prohibited
Driving on Right Side of Roadway, Overtaking, and Passing
71.015 Driving upon right side of roadway; exceptions
71.016 Passing to right when proceeding in opposite directions
71.017 Overtaking, passing to left; driver’s duties
71.018 Overtaking and passing upon right
71.019 Overtaking, passing to left of center
71.020 Additional restrictions on driving upon left side of roadway
71.021 Hazardous or no passing zones
71.022 One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands
71.023 Driving in marked lanes or continuous lines of traffic
71.024 Following too closely
71.025 Driving upon divided roadways
71.026 Entering and exiting controlled-access highway
Turning and Starting and Signals on Stopping and Turning
71.040 Conformity with provisions required
71.041 Right turns
71.042 Left turns on two-way roadways
71.043 Left turns on other than two-way roadways
71.044 Specified turns at intersections
71.045 U turns restricted
71.046 Signals before changing course; turning or stopping
71.047 Signals to be given by hand and arm or signal device
71.048 Hand and arm signals
71.060 Right-of-way at intersections
71.061 Right-of-way when turning left
71.062 Right-of-way at through street or highway or stop intersections
71.063 Driving onto roadway from private road or driveway; duty to yield
71.064 Right-of-way of emergency vehicle
71.065 Turning into private driveway, alley, or building
71.080 Driving unsafe vehicles; application; farm and road equipment exceptions
71.081 When lighted lights required
71.082 Measurement of distances and heights
71.083 Headlights on motor vehicles and motorcycles
71.084 Tail light; illumination of rear license plate
71.085 Red light or red flag on extended loads
71.086 Lights on parked or stopped vehicles
71.087 Lights on slow-moving vehicles
71.088 Spotlights and auxiliary lights
71.089 Signal lamps and signal devices
71.090 Cowl, fender, and back-up lights; flashing hazard lights
71.091 Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment requirements
71.092 Use of headlight beams
71.093 Single-beam road lighting equipment
71.094 Lights on motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and mopeds
71.095 Alternate road-lighting equipment
71.096 Number of driving lights required or permitted
71.097 Special restrictions on lights
71.098 Motor vehicle or motorcycle brakes
71.099 Inspection of brakes on motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and mopeds
71.100 Horn, siren, and theft alarm signal
71.101 Muffler; muffler cutout; excessive smoke, gas, or noise
71.102 Rear-view mirror
71.103 Windshield to be unobstructed; windshield wiper
71.104 Tire equipment restrictions
71.105 Safety glass in motor vehicles
71.106 Vehicles transporting explosives
71.107 Television receiver in driver’s view prohibited
71.108 Safety equipment for motorcyclists, motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and mopeds
71.109 Certification labels on mopeds
71.110 Child passenger safety devices required; child safety seats and booster seats
71.111 Alteration of suspension system
71.112 Sun screening devices
71.113 Operation of vehicles with safety belts
71.114 Use of engine compression brakes prohibited
Size, Weight, and Load
71.125 Oversize or overweight vehicles
71.126 Projecting loads on passenger vehicles
71.127 Maximum width, height, and length
71.128 Loads dropping or leaking
71.129 Towing requirements
Miscellaneous Rules
71.140 Unattended motor vehicle
71.141 Backing a vehicle
71.142 Driver’s view and control to be unobstructed by load or persons
71.143 Passengers in seat with operator
71.144 Passengers on running board
71.145 Following authorized emergency vehicles
71.146 Approaching authorized emergency vehicles
71.147 Driving over fire hose
71.148 Opening door of vehicle on traffic side
71.149 Boarding or alighting from vehicle
71.150 Unlawful riding
71.151 Squealing tires, cracking exhaust noises
71.152 Taking, injuring, or tampering with vehicle
71.153 Driving upon sidewalk, street lawn, or curb
71.154 Shortcutting; avoiding traffic control devices
71.155 Coasting prohibited
71.156 Driving through safety zone
71.157 Driving upon street posted as closed for repair
71.158 Obstruction of traffic
71.159 Vehicle security
71.160 Vehicle regulations on park property
71.161 Motorized scooters
71.175 Compliance with traffic regulations
71.176 Right-of-way in crosswalk
71.177 Crossing roadway outside of crosswalk
71.178 Drivers to exercise due care
71.179 Moving upon right half of crosswalk
71.180 Walking along streets and highways; soliciting rides
71.181 Persons working on streets and highways
71.182 Protection of blind pedestrians
71.183 Electric personal assistive mobility device
71.195 Compliance; application to bicycles
71.196 Obedience to traffic rules; exceptions
71.197 Riding upon seats; number of persons
71.198 Attaching bicycle or sled to vehicle
71.199 Riding on roadways and bicycle paths
71.200 Carrying articles
71.201 Lights and reflector on bicycle; signal device; brakes
71.202 Reckless operation; control, course, and speed
71.203 Parental duties
71.204 Riding on sidewalk prohibited
71.205 Bicycle helmets for children
All-Terrain Vehicles
71.220 Definitions
71.221 Acts prohibited by operators
71.222 Safety awareness courses
71.223 Local government authority to regulate
71.224 ATV rental dealers required to provide safety equipment
71.225 Private property exemption
71.226 Exemption for farm, commercial use; current regulations
71.227 Applicability of rules to operation
71.999 Penalty
(A) No person may drive a vehicle on a street or highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions and the actual and potential hazards. In every event speed shall be so controlled as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle, or other conveyance on or entering the streets and highways in compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to use due care.
(B) (1) Where no special hazard exists that requires lower speed for compliance with division (A) above the speed of any vehicle not in excess of the limits specified in this section or established as hereinafter authorized is lawful, but any speed in excess of the limits specified below in this section or established as hereinafter authorized is unlawful. The following speed limits apply:
(a) In a school zone during school recess or while children are going to or leaving school during opening or closing hours: 15 mph. A SCHOOL ZONE is all school property including school grounds and any street or highway abutting such school grounds and extending 125 feet along such street or highway from the school grounds. Such speed restriction does not apply to vehicles traveling on a controlled-access highway which is separated from the school or school grounds by a fence or barrier approved by the Division of Highways;
(b) In any business or residence district unless otherwise posted: 25 mph; and
(c) On open country highways, except as otherwise provided by this title: 55 mph.
(2) The speeds set forth in this section may be altered as authorized in W. Va. Code Ch. 17C-6 or as said West Virginia Code section(s) may be amended from time to time.
(C) The driver of every vehicle shall, consistent with the requirements of division (A) above, drive at an appropriate reduced speed when approaching and crossing an intersection or railway grade crossing, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway and when special hazard exists with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reason of weather or highway conditions.
(D) The speed limit on controlled-access highways and interstate highways, where no special hazard exists that requires a lower speed, shall be not less than 55 mph and the speed limits specified in division (B) above do not apply.
(Ord. passed 5-11-2021) Penalty, see § 71.999
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see W. Va. Code 17C-6-1