Special Stops Required
72.01 Through streets and stop intersections
72.02 Driving onto roadway from place other than roadway; stopping at sidewalk
72.03 Stopping for school bus; signs and warning lights; sale of school bus
72.04 Stopping for passenger van; signs and warning lights
72.05 Obstructing intersection or crosswalk
Stopping, Standing, and Parking
72.20 Stopping, standing, or parking outside of business or residence districts
72.21 Officers authorizes to remove illegally stopped vehicles
72.22 Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specific places
72.23 Right and left parallel parking; angle parking; highway signs restricting parking, and the like
72.24 Removal of vehicles parked, and the like on highways in emergencies; liability for costs of removal and storage; liens for towing and storage
72.25 Signs on workers’ and church buses; when lawful for such buses to stop on highways and streets
72.26 Contesting violations
On-Street Metered Parking
72.40 Applicability
72.41 Definitions
72.42 Establishment of parking meter zones
72.43 Existing parking meter zones continued in operation
72.44 Days and hours meters to be in operation; required compliance by vehicle drivers
72.45 Placement of meters; meter to signal whether parking space lawfully in use
72.46 Marking of parking spaces; vehicles to park wholly within marked spaces
72.47 Duty of driver to make deposit
72.48 Prohibited acts; duty of driver to deposit coin in meter
72.49 Overtime parking-generally
72.50 Responsibility of owner
72.51 Collection of coins from parking meters
72.52 Disposition of parking meter revenue
72.99 Penalty