A. Development Standards And Use Regulations: In addition to the general conditions as stated in sections above, the following land use design criteria shall apply to the areas designated on the specific plan map. The specific plan map document which is made a part of this rezoning action per subsection herein, delineates sixteen (16) parcels of the PUD as parcels A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P for application of specific development standards. The following development standards and use regulations shall apply to each of the following development parcels:
1. Parcels H, I, J, And K: It is the intention that parcels H, I, J, and K will be developed as a neotraditional "town center" development, as illustrated in the specific plan map, exhibit C on file in the city. Neotraditional development is based on a return to the traditional town designs of before World War II. It incorporates convenience, walkability, aesthetics, livability, and ecological integrity in one development plan. In addition to meeting the "town center overlay district guidelines", developments within these parcels must specifically show characteristics of a neotraditional development.
2. Town Center: The town center shall contain several green/park areas, promenade and plaza as illustrated in the specific plan map, exhibit C, on file in the city, denoted elsewhere in this document as the "town center plaza" and "promenade". The intent of these areas is to be a focal point of the development, which could be used for outdoor concerts, farmers' markets, art in the park, etc. The town center plaza may include green space, landscaping, pavement treatment, gazebos, band shells, fountains, permanent art, reflecting pools, benches, seating areas, bicycle parking areas, etc. The town center plaza and promenade shall be constructed at such time that any development within parcels H and K is initiated.
a. All buildings shall generally be constructed up to the sidewalk, reminiscent of older "traditional" main street shopping areas.
b. Sidewalks shall be wide enough to accommodate outdoor seating areas for cafes, pedestrian street furniture, walkways and street trees, etc., in designated areas.
c. All off street parking and loading shall be located to the side or rear of buildings. Pedestrian access from the off street parking areas to the front sidewalks shall be provided between buildings where appropriate.
d. An architectural theme shall be established to promote the unification of the development while encouraging articulation of facades and the creation of pedestrian spaces. (Ord. 1514, 3-31-2003)
B. Parcel A: the use regulations and provisions set forth in Title 9 of the city code for Residential Medium Density (RM-12) shall apply to development proposals in Parcel A as shown on the specific plan unless otherwise noted in this ordinance.
1. Buffer: A thirty-foot (30') buffer with buffer landscaping shall be located between Parcel A and Parcel C. No building, parking, or storm water facility shall be constructed within the buffer. A thirty-foot (30') buffer with buffer landscaping shall be located along S. Prairie View Drive where the single family development across the street is located. No building, parking, or storm water facility shall be constructed within the buffer.
2. Architecture: design elements for the architecture of multi-family buildings shall be in general keeping with the design elements in Section 14 of this ordinance. Additional guidance is provided as follows:
a. Architectural design for multi-family buildings shall express a creative presentation of exterior building materials, details and treatment of windows and doors. All facades of the building in public view or which are visible from parcels surrounding the development.
b. shall be treated with the same level of architectural style and detail. The following design strategies to lessen the plainness of appearance which can be characteristic of large residential buildings shall be incorporated in the building design.
c. Building design shall provide unique treatment of the individual units, but still maintain the cohesive design of the development. Building form shall incorporate changes in building footprint, wall heights and roof forms that break up the building into modules which reflect the individual dwelling units within the building. Easily identifiable entrances can be provided through changes in building form, materials, and details. Unit design should incorporate elements such as balconies and roof decks to reinforce the connection between the residents and the activities within the development. A minimum of eighty percent (80%) of the multi-family units within the development must provide a deck, porch, or covered stoop to provide a usable outdoor space of at least five feet (5') deep and a minimum forty square feet (40 sf) in size.
d. Door and window openings shall be incorporated on all sides of the building.
e. Material choices shall be high quality and durable, combining a variety of colors and textures along with trim and details to provide visual interest within the development.
f. Substantial materials such as brick and stone, shall be implemented on all sides of the building primarily on the base (lowest) story of the building and vertical elements that reinforce the façade modulation.
g. Vertical or lap siding, shakes, stucco finish and architectural panel cladding can encompass the remaining area. Natural materials are encouraged, composite materials such as fiber cement and wood composites are appropriate substitutions.
h. Concealed fasteners and finished panel edges are required application details for panel cladding systems.
i. Vinyl siding may be used only with appropriately scaled trim and not as the majority cladding material.
j. Materials should change with the change in building plane and be arranged to have the appearance of three-dimensional elements. Trim and structural elements such as posts or columns shall be sized to the scale of the building.
k. Building design should minimize the dominance of garage doors on the facade. The following strategies to mitigate the appearance of garages shall be incorporated on facades where garage doors are the majority feature at ground level:
(1) Enhanced facade design such as the addition of engaged columns, secondary roof forms and decorative garage doors.
(2) For garages included in the primary building, varying the front façade depth of a minimum of twelve inches (12"), so that no more than two adjacent garage modules are on the same façade plane.
(3) The architectural details of detached garages should incorporate the materials and treatments of the dwelling unit, such as windows, doors, trim and materials and the architectural style of the dwelling unit.
C. Parcel B: (Rep. by Ord. 1687, 5-22-2006)
D. Parcels C, D, E, F, G, L, M, And N: The use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9 of the city code for community commercial district (CMC) shall apply to any development proposal for all property within parcel C as shown on the specific plan unless otherwise noted in this ordinance.
1. Allowed Uses: Uses allowed within parcels C, D, E, F, G, L, M, and N are those set forth in title 9 of the city code for community commercial district (CMC) except the following:
| Use
076 | Farm labor and management services |
75 | Automotive repair, service, and parking |
753 | Automotive repair shops |
7539 | Automotive services, not elsewhere classified |
754 | Automotive service - except repair |
The intent of this ordinance is not to encourage convenience stores and drive-up uses; however, the location of the site, Mills Civic Parkway and Interstate 35 interchange, may necessitate the inclusion of such uses. If, through the design review process, it can be demonstrated that such uses do not cause traffic congestion, do not interfere with pedestrian movement, and can be designed so that they are screened appropriately through the use of landscaping, berming, and/or architectural features from Mills Civic Parkway, Prairie View Drive, I-35, and the major north-south private drive, the board of adjustment may allow these uses on parcels D, L and M with the approval of a permitted conditional use permit (PC) for any considered uses except banks (SIC 60), which are a permitted use with a drive- through. Drive-up facilities shall be considered for drugstore, bank, dry cleaner, ATM, grocery store and restaurant facilities, however no more than two (2) drive- through restaurants, two (2) drive-through banks shall be permitted. No more than two (2) total drive-throughs within these parcels shall be permitted. Walk-up or pedestrian ATMs, with no vehicle access shall be a permitted use. (Ord. 1593, 8-16-2004)
2. Setbacks: Primary and accessory building setbacks from West Glen Town Center's exterior property line shall be thirty feet (30'). Buildings shall be set back zero feet (0') from an internal parcel or property line and zero feet (0') from any building. No building shall be constructed in the buffer park.
3. Buffers: The buffering of any negative element, such as parking and drop off drives, trash enclosure, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment, utility meters shall be screened from view through architectural mechanisms or landscaping. The buffering of any negative elements shall be screened from the public view through the use of berming, landscaping and/or architectural mechanisms. See subsection 062-03C, buffers, of this ordinance for additional requirements.
4. Open Space Requirements: Parcels D, E, F and G shall provide an open space promenade which shall include landscaping, benches, trails or sidewalks and other landscape features. See subsection 062-03C of this ordinance for additional requirements.
5. Outdoor Use Areas: Outdoor use areas, such as dining areas, gathering and sitting areas, etc., shall be encouraged. Light standards shall be limited to a maximum of twenty five feet (25') in height. Bicycle parking, as determined by the director of community development, shall be provided.
6. Architecture: See section 062-14 of this ordinance. (Ord. 1514, 3-31-2003)
E. Parcels H, I, J And K:
1. Allowed Uses: Uses allowed within parcels H, I, J and K are those set forth in title 9 of the city code for the community commercial zoning district (CMC). In addition to the uses of CMC, residential high-density district uses will also be required in parcels H, J, and I with at least sixty four (64) residential units to be located on floors above office, retail, and structured parking garage uses, not to exceed an overall density among parcels H, J, and I of eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre. Residential uses may be located on the first floor if the director of community development determines that the residential uses are in character with the intent of this PUD. The following uses listed in the zoning ordinance as allowed uses in the CMC shall be prohibited in parcels H, I, J and K:
a. Two (2) drive-up uses shall be allowed permitted conditionally (PC) within parcel K if the following criteria are met:
(1) Speaker boxes may only be located next to teller/pick up windows and the noise admitted should be at a level that does not disrupt the street level pedestrian.
(2) Drive-throughs shall be placed at the rear or side of the building and should be designed to avoid pedestrian conflicts.
(3) Drive-through design shall work to integrate the drive- through bay with the main building design.
(4) If the drive-through is accessed by a vehicle on the parking lot side of the building, it may have no more than two (2) drive- through bays. If the drive-through is accessed by the pedestrian on main street, no more than one drive-through bay.
b. Any use involving the sale of gasoline products - SIC 554 and part of SIC 541.
c. Any automotive or vehicular repair, services and parking - SIC 75.
2. Setbacks: Primary and accessory building setbacks from West Glen Town Center's exterior property line shall be set back thirty feet (30'). Buildings shall be set back zero feet (0') from any internal parcel or property line and zero feet (0') from any building within these parcels.
3. Open Space: See section 062-03 of this ordinance.
4. Architecture: See section 062-14 of this ordinance.
5. Outdoor Use Areas: Outdoor use areas, such as dining areas, gathering and sitting areas, etc., shall be encouraged. Light standards shall be limited to a maximum of twenty five feet (25') in height. Bicycle parking, as determined by the director of community development shall be provided.
6. Structured Parking Garages: Structured parking garages are allowed in parcels H, I, and J. Residential units may be located on the floors above the structured parking. Retail and office uses may be incorporated as part of the first/ground floor of the structure.
In the event the residential units in any building are to be owner occupied, parking spaces in the nearest structured parking garage will be required to be reserved for each unit to meet covered parking requirements for owner occupied units.
a. One space will be reserved for each residential unit. Said space shall count one hundred percent (100%) toward the total number of parking spaces required.
b. The parking garage must be designed such that parking spaces reserved for residential units can be segregated from other parking spaces. Reserved spaces must not be accessible by the general public.
c. Reservation of spaces for residential units may not cause the commercial portions of West Glen Town Center to fall below the one space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area requirement stated in section 062-03 of this ordinance.
d. Reserved parking spaces for the residential units must be covered stalls located on the first floor/ground level or the second floor if the first floor/ground level is filled with reserved spaces.
F. Parcel P: Parcel P shall be dedicated for Prairie View Drive.
G. Parcel O: Parcel O shall be reserved for an entry drive to the West Glen Town Center. (Ord. 1514, 3-31-2003; amd. Ord. 2152, 6-13-2016; Ord. 1687, 5-22-2006)