(A)   There shall be a Park Board to consist of 3 members appointed by the City Council of the City of Wells, as hereinafter provided, all of whom shall continue in office until the expiration of their several terms and until their successors are appointed and qualified, as herein provided.
   (B)   (1)   The members of the Board shall be residents and freeholders of the city, and shall be appointed by the City Council of the City of Wells and, except as otherwise provided in this section, shall hold their offices for the term of 3 years.
      (2)   It is hereby made the duty of the City Council of the City of Wells to appoint 3 persons to be members of the Board, 1 for 3 years, 1 for 2 years, and 1 for 1 year, and thereafter, upon the expiration of the terms of office of the members of the Board so appointed, the City Council shall appoint a successor to each of the members, who shall hold his or her office for the term of 3 years. Vacancies in the Board shall be filled by the City Council for the unexpired term or terms, but the resignation of a member shall not take effect until his or her successor shall have been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 50, passed - -)