(A) The Secretary shall submit to the Board, in the month of February in each year, a report of the transactions of the Board at its meetings during the last fiscal year, ending February 26, including a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Board during the period, which statement shall have first been submitted to the City Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer, and approved by him or her as correct. In the same month, the Board stall submit to the City Council a report of the work done under its supervision during the last fiscal year, together with a classified and tabulated statement of expenditures on any and all the parks and parkways for maintenance and improvement, respectively, stating under each head, the several amounts expended for labor, material, and administration; and also a statement of the receipts of the department from every source.
(Am. Ord. 123, passed 5-7-1940)
(B) The last named report shall be deemed the annual report of the Board and shall be published.
(Ord. 50, passed - -)